[Facts] Some suggestions...
in reply to a message by Ken
America: (meaning obvious)
Liberty: (same)
Saoirse: (Irish name meaning freedom)
If you want less unusual-sounding names, you could always pick a name of a famous American...George Washington, Susan B. Anthony, etc...and either use that or a feminine version of it (e.g. Georgia). Abraham Lincoln could become Abbie Lyn...Martin Luther King could become Martina Lucy. And so on.
Liberty: (same)
Saoirse: (Irish name meaning freedom)
If you want less unusual-sounding names, you could always pick a name of a famous American...George Washington, Susan B. Anthony, etc...and either use that or a feminine version of it (e.g. Georgia). Abraham Lincoln could become Abbie Lyn...Martin Luther King could become Martina Lucy. And so on.