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[Facts] Errrr?
>>I am new to this board.>But by scanning some of the previous messages and replies to posts, especially the ones that you have replied to.>I am going to go out on a limb here a speculate that you are a major “know it all” bitch with an “I’m mightier than thou” attitude.>First impressions do count!>I would just like you and thank you for running me off on my first visit. I will not spend my time corresponding with the likes of you.>In the future you should consider keeping your wicked and degrading tongue on a leash.<<As opposed to you who have shown almost saintly restraint in your response. Do as I say, not as I do, huh?
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Sorry, that didn't work out right -- here it is again..."I am new to this board."Clearly."But by scanning some of the previous messages and replies to posts, especially the ones that you have replied to."In what school district is this considered a sentence?"I am going to go out on a limb here a speculate that you are a major “know it all” bitch with an “I’m mightier than thou” attitude."I am going to go out on a limb and suggest that no one here cares what you think. Nanaea? Do you care? No? I didn't think so."First impressions do count!"Right back atcha, Johnny!"I would just like you and thank you for running me off on my first visit. I will not spend my time corresponding with the likes of you."Do you mean you won't spend any *more* time? Kind of dumb to say you won't correspond *while* you're typing a correspondence."In the future you should consider keeping your wicked and degrading tongue on a leash."And again...As opposed to you who have shown almost saintly restraint in your response. Do as I say, not as I do, huh?
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Oh! You guys scared off my new boyfriend!PS It's funny. Mike seemed scared of commitment, but not scared of getting me pregnant. (And I was the opposite!)
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That's coz you're smarter than Mike.-- Nanaea
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Hey, you didn't by chance beat Mike up without telling me? I haven't heard from him. My daughter thinks it's 'cause he's hiding under his bed.
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Well said! My thoughts exactly!:)
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