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[Facts] Idi Amin?
I', sure you all remember Idi Amin, the Ugandan despot who died last year.1. I suppose AMIN is his surname and IDI his first name. Does anybody know for sure?
2. What does IDI mean? Is it Arabic, too? Or taken from some African language?Andy ;—)
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According to Wikipedia, his full name is Idi Amin Dada Oumee. Anybody familiar with Kakwa naming practices (not me!) could probably explain which of those is his last name.I believe Idi is derived from Idd. The word idd (or eid) refers to several Islamic festivals. More info on the Eids:
I am not sure if Idi qualifies as Arabic. I don't think it is used in Arab countries, though arguably eid, like all Islamic terms, is Arabic in origin.[I am fairly sure the etymology is correct, but until I doublecheck my sources, consider the information an educated guess :).]Edited to add hyperlink, and to put comments about the origin.

This message was edited 11/17/2004, 9:54 AM

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Thanks a lot! ;—)
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