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[Facts] Beelia
Meaning of "Beelia" ??
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You keep revealing more and more about your history, Jai. :) Not only were both your parents soccer fans, but were they also descendants of the indigenous peoples of Mexico? I ask, because the name "Beelia" is from the ancient Zapotec language, which is still spoken in Oaxaca, Mexico. "Beelia" means "a star".Sorry I can't help you with "Somaira". Just a suggestion... Have you thought of asking any of your family members what these names mean? Then you could come back and tell us -- you're welcome to enlighten us, as well as ask questions! :)-- Nanaea
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Mexico and the Netherlands have much in common... Or not...Hmmm.... I just checked and I see that you're posting from England, Jai. (And, for some reason, I thought you might have been of Latin-American descent.) On the European side, I've found a few genealogical references to the name "Beelia" having been used in the Netherlands in the 17th and 18th centuries. I somehow doubt those folks were speaking Zapotec over there. :) Sorry I can't tell your what "Beelia" means to the Dutch.-- Nanaea
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According to one literary source ( Beelia appears to be Satan's dog or henchman....Satan sits at his throne. His blazing with fire and anger fills his soul. Sin Chi has betrayed him and let Rai loose...He looks at his son Rennin who is standing before him and his new chief general, the old vampire, Psyche. Satan beings to tap on of his long finger nails on the arm of his throne. "Where are they?" growls Satan to his son."I had Vengeance and *Beelia* go get them," states Rennin....
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I am His [Satanic] Majesty's dog at Kew,
Pray tell me, Sir, whose dog are you?
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Announcing another "Name the Minpin" Contest! All invited!Fanfic can be so entertaining. Heck knows where the writer got that name "Beelia" from, though. I'm wondering if he (she?) might have formed it from the name "Belial", which is a reference to the rebellious Satan and means "without a master". Not exactly the best name for a dog -- not even a Satanic dog. :)Speaking of dogs and names... I went on a rescue mission today, into the wilds of Brooklyn, and picked up a *very* tiny minpin who had been found past midnight tied by his leash to a tree in a park (and shivering in the snow and frigid cold) barely two weeks ago. The elderly couple who had taken in him decided that they couldn't keep him after all (after having searched in vain for his original owner), so now the little guy is with us. The couple who turned him over to me had been calling him "Mickey" (shudder), but fortunately they didn't have him long enough for him to learn to answer to that... name.So.... Once again, I am launching another Name the Minpin Contest! I think I may wind up keeping this guy, and if I do, there is NO WAY I'm going to call him "Mickey". Here is a description of Mic-- um, I mean, *the minpin*, to help any contest participants in chosing a suitable name: He's very small, black in color, and older than PriaposLovs in dog years (42, by a veterinarian's reckoning). He's sweet-natured, but don't let that discourage you from choosing a "really cute boy's name" for him -- like "Havoc" or "Pwcca" (the Welsh name for Satan). Both those names are high up on my list of choices right now. :) (I may have to ask Daividh or Norah how one pronounces "Pwcca", though.)Anyone is invited to participate, of course. And, once again, you may ask what you might win if you should happen to choose the winning name. You'll win my respect -- which is of inestimable value. :)-- Nanaea
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Just an IdeaHey Nan,Dre seems like a nice guy, he's well-disposed toward you, he's already located in Brooklyn, as an actor he's probably home more than he'd like to be, and with a little devilish persuasion, he could be talked into being a dog-lover. He and the Mick could be a match made in Suffolk, er, heaven.
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It's pronounced "Pooka", and if Norah says otherwise, I'll arm-wrestle her for it.What's wrong with "Mickey"? It's got 6 letters and he nominally heads a worldwide Evil Empire...
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Thought so!John told me it was pronounced "Pooka", too, but I wanted to make sure, coz I thought the Pooka was an Irish, rather than Welsh, legend. But it's all Celtic in the end, I suppose.I dunno if Dre might be looking for a dog, but he'd have to fill out the adoption questionaire from the IMPS website if he was interested. Then he'd have to agree to a "home visit" from one of our volunteers in Brooklyn. We screen each prospective minpin home more carefully than Child Protective Services does for kids. :)Anyway, I have my suspicions as to whether this little Pwcca was actually abandoned, or perhaps lost first. Staten Island Center for Animal Care & Control has a listing for a minpin lost on 11/1/00 who seems to fit this little Pwcca's description. I'm trying to get in touch right now with the person who posted the listing, to make sure, before I put Pwcca up for adoption. (We may even wind up adopting him, ourselves.)-- Nanaea
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My all-time favourite doggy name is Laelaps, pronounced "LE-" (as in leg) "laps" (as in lapse). The original Laelaps, a fierce hunting dog, was a gift of Zeus to Europa.
The word Laelaps (Laelapa in contemporary Greek)grew synonymous to typhoon, fire, earthquake and other natural catastrophes. Sure beats the heck out of Kerwin.
P.S.: Laelaps is a 6-lettered to boot, thanks to the letter Psi.
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For an alternative mythological account of Laelaps check out According to this source, Laelaps was forged from "demonisian bronze" by Hephastus, and even had the gall to bite Zeus himself.Under the circumstances I can imagine Nanea singing to her new MinPin the Eric Clapton tune "Laelaps, you got me on my knees..."
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"Lay-laps""Under the circumstances I can imagine Nanea singing to her new MinPin the Eric Clapton tune 'Laelaps, you got me on my knees...'"What'll you do when you get lonely
And nobody's giving you chewsome cowhide?
You've been running and hiding much too long,
Lost, stolen, abandoned, maybe Shanghaied?Laelaps, you got me on my knees,
Laelaps, don't give me any fleas,
Laelaps, darling, stop licking your behind.I tried to give you consolation
When they found you in Brooklyn town,
Like a fool, I fell in love with you,
Turned my whole world upside-down.Laelaps, you got me on my knees,
Laelaps, don't give me any fleas,
Laelaps, darling, stop licking your behind.So make the best of the situation
And in my care you shall remain,
So long as you're house-broken and
Don't, on my carpet, leave a stain.Laelaps, you got me on my knees,
Laelaps, don't give me any fleas,
Laelaps, darling, stop licking your behind.-- Nanaea
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You are pure unadulterated genius :)))
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I ain't no jean'yus! I just write stoopid lyrics! :)-- Nanaea
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