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[Facts] Help
I need help for a book i'm working on. Please, which are the usual ways to pronounce (in several cases, to emphasize) the following names and surnames?:
(Jim) caVIEzel or CavieZEL
Anaïs Anaïs (a french perfume)
(Ernest) BORGnine or borgNINE
DEmi or deMI (Moore)
DENzel or denZEL (Washington)
(Pam) Grier
HooBAStank or hoobasTANK
(Lennie) Niehaus
(Mercedes) Ruehl
(Tom) Sizemore
(Audrey) Tatoo (a french actress)
(Renée) ZELweger or zelWEgerThanks to all of you.
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Anaïs --- como el español Anaís: a-na-ÍS (ah-nah-EES). En francés y en catalán, la diéresis sobre una vocal indica que ésta no forma diptongo con ninguna otra. Así, AÏ en francés no suena E, sino A-I.
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Gracias, LumiaGracias, Lumia. Excelente información. Te tendré al tanto de mi trabajo. Por lo que pudieras llegar a requerir de mí:
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I can help with:
Anaïs Anaïs: just as it is written: ah-nah-ees ah-nah-ees
Tatoo: it is Tautou. toh-too.
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My takeJim caVIEzel
Anaïs Anaïs = A-neh A-neh
Ernest borgNINE (but I'm only guessing)
deMI Moore
denZEL Washington
(Pam) Grier = GRUH-ee-er but perhaps "gree-egh" as in french prn?
HooBAStank or hoobasTANK = HOO-bas-tank
(Lennie) Niehaus = nee-EH-house
(Mercedes) Ruehl = ree-OOW-elle
(Tom) Sizemore = SIZE-more
(Audrey) Tatoo (a french actress) = ta-TOH
Renée ZELweger
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