[Facts] BtN says Nova is Native American too
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Recently coined name from Latin novus "new". This name can also mean "butterfly chaser" (Native American). But Caprice helpfully clarified in Comments that "butterfly chaser" is of Hopi origin.Miranda
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origin of "nonavee"  ·  niki martens  ·  1/22/2005, 10:07 AM
Re: origin of "nonavee"  ·  Seda*  ·  1/22/2005, 1:14 PM
Re: origin of "nonavee"  ·  Chrisell  ·  1/22/2005, 6:25 PM
Ack, speaking before I think again! Apologies all :-) nt  ·  Chrisell  ·  1/25/2005, 12:19 AM
Re: origin of "nonavee"  ·  Seda*  ·  1/23/2005, 5:47 PM
BtN says Nova is Native American too  ·  Miranda  ·  1/23/2005, 3:17 PM
Re: origin of "nonavee"  ·  Caprice  ·  1/23/2005, 6:59 AM