[Facts] Name a star after you!
There are billions upon billions of stars in the Cosmos..
I am sure that someone or some organisation has capitalised on legitimatley marketing the idea of naming a star.... The question is...who?
I am sure that someone or some organisation has capitalised on legitimatley marketing the idea of naming a star.... The question is...who?
Rest assured there are many eager entrepreneurs who will gladly name a star for your gerbil, sister, CEO, or anyone else you wish -- for a fee, of course. As to "legitimatley" (sic)...well, that's your call:
www.nameastar.net www.starnamer.net www.celestialregistry.com
Refreshingly, not everyone's after your hard-earned dineros. Here's a star-naming site that's FREE and less pretentious as well:
- Da.
www.nameastar.net www.starnamer.net www.celestialregistry.com
Refreshingly, not everyone's after your hard-earned dineros. Here's a star-naming site that's FREE and less pretentious as well:
- Da.
There are organizations that will take your money and send you a certificate, but those documents have no validity and are not recognized by anyone else. There are at least a half-dozen companies or individuals who claim the ability to name stars. However, no private company has ever been granted the authority to name stars by any government, professional astronomical organization, or international treaty.
So can you name a star after you??? The simple answer is NO!!.......... :( Pity.... the idea of something named after me going supernova and destroying a solar system sounds appealing.
So can you name a star after you??? The simple answer is NO!!.......... :( Pity.... the idea of something named after me going supernova and destroying a solar system sounds appealing.