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[Facts] Re: Me
In my culture, my surname is over 5,000 years old, so through family history (storytelling and more recently, a family bible of 12 generational cycles) it is passed on who is my oldest known ancestor.
Each family/clan carries a surname and all the relatives and household people carry the surname. Sometimes servants are adopted by the families and given the same surname as their masters. Often children are secretly adopted and secrets are kept for many important reasons, so it is important not to marry anyone with the same last name so that no cousins or siblings marry by accident.
Often before any two families marry, a familial investigation is conducted so that it is clear that the two are not related at least by three generations; hence sometimes cousins do marry as long as they do not have the same grandparents or great-uncles and their parents are not related by 2-3 generations, and only by marriage.
Some people do change their names so that others will not know their history or heritage. This is a disguise and used to be unlawful in ancient times. Persons can also be bestowed with multiple names to honor ancestors and soul spirits/energy. A person can have many names and choose to go by a different name in different locations or times in their life. Some are given names from the maternal lineage as well as names of paternal lineage.
Usually the woman assumes Mrs. (her husband's surname) but she is still known publicly by her father's name. We also distinguish persons of different families by their middle names for each of 12 generational names, so distant cousins can identify their relatives. Some families also pass on the middle names to all the daughters as well as the sons.
This is to avoid genetic mishaps as well as for census purposes. It is most important to carry a surname for lineage and heritage purposes and identity, as well as distinguish persons of different social class systems.
Your lineage and heritage is very important to who you are and where your soul energy comes from. It is important to know who your ancestors are, because if not for all your ancestors you would not be alive today. It plays an important role in your individuality as well as the collectiveness of the your soul and its collectiveness of that of the universe. It is connected to who you are, your soul spirit and energy.I hope you investigate the importance of your surname. Peace and Harmony. c. queenMy name is who I am, tells a story of my soul and my purpose. My ancient soul name has power and can/will never change. It represents all that I am, and my spoken name will call my soul's energy to do its work. Be faithful to your soul name for it carries the Truth of the Universe.
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