[Opinions] Horrible twins!
There was this woman in the paper, she was american but living in australia she called her twins:
Maizei & Kynzeli
I read the article and she said that:
"Maizei is the scottish nickname of Margaret and that Kynzeli was a combination of Kentucky where she came from and the girls names Anslie"
They have a brother Brennan
Maizei & Kynzeli
I read the article and she said that:
"Maizei is the scottish nickname of Margaret and that Kynzeli was a combination of Kentucky where she came from and the girls names Anslie"
They have a brother Brennan
If I were younger, this would set of one of my infamous breath-holding-to-unconsciousness spells I used to have.
It took me a minute to figure out she meant Maisie. Maizei? Maizei?! *Flails helplessly*
For some reason, Kynzeli doesn't disturb me so much. Although it would've made more sense if it was Kenslie (does she spelll Kentucky Kyntucky...?). On the other hand, Kynzeli could make a great alien name for sci-fi story!
EDIT: Fixed italics.
"Multiple exclamation marks are a sure sign of diseased mind" -- Terry Pratchett
Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks. Check my profile for their names.
If I were younger, this would set of one of my infamous breath-holding-to-unconsciousness spells I used to have.
It took me a minute to figure out she meant Maisie. Maizei? Maizei?! *Flails helplessly*
For some reason, Kynzeli doesn't disturb me so much. Although it would've made more sense if it was Kenslie (does she spelll Kentucky Kyntucky...?). On the other hand, Kynzeli could make a great alien name for sci-fi story!
EDIT: Fixed italics.
"Multiple exclamation marks are a sure sign of diseased mind" -- Terry Pratchett
Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks. Check my profile for their names.
This message was edited 3/30/2005, 3:19 PM
Oh dear...
I love Brennan, though. Such a great, classy name.
I love Brennan, though. Such a great, classy name.
The spellings are ridiculous. The names themselves aren't terrible though. I also really like Brennan.
Maizei doesn't look particularly Scottish to me lol, but I expect they were thinking of Mysie. I do love Mysie, as a nn for Margaretta.
"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true."
"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true."
wow, that's not so good... in fact, it's cruel. These children will be explaining how to pronounce and spell their names for the rest of their lives, because the first is so kr8ivelie spelt that it's unrecognizable, and the second is just a few random letters shoved together. And I have issues with people leaving the "h" off of my name...
Maizei & Kynzeli
Nothing wong with Maisie!
I read Kynzeli as Ken-zell-ee.
*sniff* *sniff*

"WOOHOO! Hey I have to tell y'all something. I went to Sea World for the first time yesterday. It rocked! I got to kiss a whale! And it kissed me back!"-Kelly Clarkson
Nothing wong with Maisie!
I read Kynzeli as Ken-zell-ee.
*sniff* *sniff*

"WOOHOO! Hey I have to tell y'all something. I went to Sea World for the first time yesterday. It rocked! I got to kiss a whale! And it kissed me back!"-Kelly Clarkson
This message was edited 3/29/2005, 9:43 PM