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[Facts] Orgin of Tanisha
Hello out there I am searching to find the orgin of my name Tanisha.
I had someone send me a response that they did not think I may possibly be the oldest. The link that they sent did not give me any information on a Tanisha born prior to 1970. Does anyone have a way to find out... I am really curious to know since the name apparently emerged in the 1970's and so far I have not found any occurance of the name in America prior to that date. Thanks for any information. P.S.: if you send a link please include instruction as to what the site is and how best search the site for the information I am looking for.Thanx..
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I have a girl in my school called Taneesha. I think it may be an indian name?
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The name Taneesha is used by Indians (as in India), but I do not know of a Sanskrit (which it sounds like) meaning for the word. The tan- bit sounds promising: from a verbal root meaning to diffuse like light, stretch like a cord, or bend like a bow, we get a word from rope (and another for generations, etc.) which, in turn, gives `thin like a rope' whence slim, beautiful body, or, more generally, just body. Roots with beauty in them are prime resources for name formation.There are similar sounding construction in Maneesha which from man, to cogitate, means reflection or conception. Whether a similar construct from tan is possible in some modern Indian language, I would not know.
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The typical English-language baby name sites - with all their reliability problems as already discussed on this board - give a meaning of "born on a Monday" for Tanisha, with the language of the African people of the Hausa as origin.Well, when I tried to verify that, I found that "Monday" in Hausa means "litinin".Now, how probable is that "born on a Monday" (instead of simply "Monday") gives us something in Hausa that English people change/simplify to "Tanisha"?I don't know, I must confess.Rene
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Maybe an elaboration on Tanis?
~~ Claire ~~
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