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[Facts] My name is Liberty, i like it but......
My name is Liberty. I love it, but sometimes it really gets on my nerves.Sometimes people look at me like I'm supposed to be Miss America or something. I also get stuck with really dorky nicknames like Statue and stuff. Everytime I go to some place and we get those stupid name tags that say "Hi, my name is..." every one has to look twice before they actually start talking to me, and then when they do, it always has to be about my name. You know what else really bugs me. People are always asking how I got named Liberty. Look, as far as I know it came from a concert my parents were at, and they played a song about a girl named Liberty. About the only good thing about it is that I know for a fact that there will not be another girl named Liberty in my class at school. Liberty =}
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I had constant funny experiences when I was in the US with my (typical southern Greek) surname, which absolutely nobody could pronounce! At one time a Professor aksed me it I could shorten my name for his convenience. I asked him to lengthen his mine, for mine :p For reasons that ellude me, most people at school ended up calling me me Tacos.
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"For reasons that ellude me, most people at school ended up calling me me Tacos."And your ladylove, the mother of Nephele, I presume is "Tacos' Belle"?-- Nanaea
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"Tacos' Belle"? Hehe, I guess so! By marrying me, the poor woman decided to "elect a slob".
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Hey, tacos are brain food! Way better for you than McDonald burgers! I'd grab a taco for breakfast every morning, if the Taco Bell on my way to work would open that early. :)And now that they've fired the Taco Bell chihuahua who used to appear in their teevee commercials, maybe they'll hire a minpin as their new spokesdog. :)Are there Taco Bells in Greece, btw?-- Nanaea
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Are there Taco Bells in Greece, btw?
Nope...cant get no south of the border culinary jollies :(
Used to a joint called "Taco Time" of which I was the only paying customer. It ran out of business.
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Like Nan sez, even tho we like them, a lot of us shorten our unusual names in everyday use to avoid having to repeat the same dumb explanations. I even list mine as "David" in our company e-mail address book because policy says you've gotta list a full first name and as often as people misspell "Daividh", my messages would NEVER come thru.Have you ever thought about beating the nicknamers to the punch and just going by Lib or Libby? People that don't know you well would assume it's short for Elizabeth, and if they're wrong, so what?Hang in there! It gets easier once you're through school! :)
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A lot of us here have odd names, Liberty. Mine really is Nanaea, but I'm in the habit of calling myself just plain "Nan" coz then I don't have to 'splain about my name all the time.And Daividh here really does have that name, but he's shortened his, too, to just "Dave" -- and I think it's for the same reason about having to 'splain all the time.Eh, it can be a bit rough at times, growing up with a weird name. And often our parents get blamed for giving us kids weird names. But it's not the name your parents gave you so much that matters, as it is a sense of uniqueness, creativity, and heritage which matters most, and which is probably the reason behind why some parents give their kids "weird" names in the first place. :)-- Nanaea
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love your name is all that i can say, which you have already said that you do, but still i dont think that you should complain, having a unique name is cool! like my name is Shawna, and there are hardly anyone out there whos name is that and i love it, i cant get nicknames from mine, i wish i could, i cant even find those stupid license plate thingys with my name! that sux, b/c when i was a kid, i really wanted one and we could never find one, so take my advice and forget whatever people say, b/c in the long run it wont matter. or you could completely ignore me and continue to complain until it gets on everyones nerves, its up to you to decide what youre going to do and in the long run your the only one thatll matter.
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you guys are right but I don't like the idea of being called Libby, it reminds to much of the food and that fruity girl on Sabrina. Nan, i went to your site and I found nothing to really explain my name=(By the way, my friend's name is Chereita and she gets really steamed whenever somebody spells it with an 's'. I think its pretty funny but she doesn't.Liberty
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" guys are right but I don't like the idea of being called Libby, it reminds to much of the food and that fruity girl on Sabrina."@@@@ "Libby" reminds me of Premiere magazine's witty film critic, Libby Waxman-Gelner (who's actually a guy writing under that name as his nom de plume)."Nan, i went to your site and I found nothing to really explain my name"@@@@ Go back to and type these 3 key words into the Google Search box: Liberty baby names"By the way, my friend's name is Chereita and she gets really steamed whenever somebody spells it with an 's'. I think its pretty funny but she doesn't."@@@@ People who take themselves that seriously always strike me as being funny. :)-- Nanaea
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Funny you should mention how uncommon your name is, because here in central Kentucky it's not uncommon at all; in fact, a Shawna checked me out at Wal-Mart last night (yeah, Nan, that's FOUR visits since November - nyah!).Can identify with the license plate problem tho. I was too old for "license plate thingys" (altho my REAL plate has been DAIVIDH for three cars now) but my son Ian could never find one with his name fifteen years back. Finally his granddad brought him one from New Zealand. Now the "IAN" ones are common as dirt!Like you say, having a unique name can be cool, but it comes at a price.
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well, i live in ga and there are some shawnas but they spell them all different like shauna, shana, or shanna and people are always mispronouncing it, which is frustrating, but its cool.
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My name is Shauna and i have a friend called Shana. It is quite confusing sometimes, but it's ok. I really like my name!
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" fact, a Shawna checked me out at Wal-Mart last night..."Oh man, you've got Wal-Mart chicks checkin' you out now? You keep this up, and we'll all be seeing you and Jennifer on the Jerry Springer Show one of these days. :)-- Nanaea
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Actually, there are probably some things about us older guys that are attractive to younger women (besides the no-line bifocals, of course), but for the life of me I can't remember them at the moment...Unfortunately, the only "checkin' out" this Shawna did was to take my money and pop her gum a few times agreeably in my direction. With her bleached hair and slashed neckline, she did have a certain trampy allure, but I figure she was more my son's type than mine.Besides, Jennifer was right there... :)
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