[Facts] Oh no
In the Births column in my local paper today I saw that a woman had
named her daughter MONTANA CHEYENNE.
OMG! There are several reasons I am against this.
I) Montana is the name of a state
II) Cheyenne is a silly name
and finally
III) WRONG COUNTRY!!!!! (We're in Australia dammit! I would be even less repulsed if she was named Kylie (ick ick ick ick anyway)
The woman is not American and has ABSOLUTELY NOT CONNECTION to the US in any way shape or form (a friend of a friend knows her and told me so). What's going on.
Anyone please tell me if they think this silly I will be ever so relieved if anyone agrees with me!
By the way I have nothing against the US. Its just so out of place!
Thanks: Arimaen
named her daughter MONTANA CHEYENNE.
OMG! There are several reasons I am against this.
I) Montana is the name of a state
II) Cheyenne is a silly name
and finally
III) WRONG COUNTRY!!!!! (We're in Australia dammit! I would be even less repulsed if she was named Kylie (ick ick ick ick anyway)
The woman is not American and has ABSOLUTELY NOT CONNECTION to the US in any way shape or form (a friend of a friend knows her and told me so). What's going on.
Anyone please tell me if they think this silly I will be ever so relieved if anyone agrees with me!
By the way I have nothing against the US. Its just so out of place!
Thanks: Arimaen
YUCK! I don't like the names Montana or Cheyenne at all, let alone TOGETHER! But i don't think it matters about
picking a name to suit where you live or anything!
picking a name to suit where you live or anything!
Nothing like good ol' cultural misappropriation.
G'day, cobber. It's the price of living in the global village, I think. Plus, when I'm in a North American site, I find the eeriest thing is that I can't tell anything about social class, educational level, distance from the poverty datum line etc from the names of people. They really do take democracy to considerable lengths compared to the British, for instance, where you can tell in an instant that Jeremy is more likely to sit in the House of Lords than Jason ... I'm in
South Africa, and we also get a strong US influence on naming - lots of Megans and Erins, even a Tayla or two, may they find peace and happiness. Point being that it's possible that in the States names like Montana might be mainstream respectable! I just have no way of knowing - though, like you, I do suspect ...
I've started wondering about Oz equivalents - Adelaide Alice? Victoria Sydney (Sydney being strictly female in the US of A, I'm told, regardless of that nice Mr Poitier)? Snowy?
South Africa, and we also get a strong US influence on naming - lots of Megans and Erins, even a Tayla or two, may they find peace and happiness. Point being that it's possible that in the States names like Montana might be mainstream respectable! I just have no way of knowing - though, like you, I do suspect ...
I've started wondering about Oz equivalents - Adelaide Alice? Victoria Sydney (Sydney being strictly female in the US of A, I'm told, regardless of that nice Mr Poitier)? Snowy?
I know a girl named Dakota, but that is unusual around here. Although USA is so multicultural you never know what's 'correct'! ;D The Sydney I know is a boy. from Oregon
Snowy, LOL ;)
After the FORMER Snowy River! Ha ha ha! I think CREEK or TRICKLE would be closer!
After the FORMER Snowy River! Ha ha ha! I think CREEK or TRICKLE would be closer!
A question, Arimaen...
having NOTHING to do with Montana Cheyenne (yuck!):
When I was a smallish kid decades ago, an Australian couple lived in the flat upstairs from us (in the eastern US). They had a baby daughter named Jilba, which they said was Aborigine for "waterhole". I've never heard this name since, but I wonder if it's a name you've heard of and/or if the meaning is legit.
(Tragically, the family moved back to Oz after a few years. Soon after their return, the parents were killed in a road accident in NSW. The daughter wasn't with them, but I never learned what became of her.)
Lemme know if you have any info on the name, please,
having NOTHING to do with Montana Cheyenne (yuck!):
When I was a smallish kid decades ago, an Australian couple lived in the flat upstairs from us (in the eastern US). They had a baby daughter named Jilba, which they said was Aborigine for "waterhole". I've never heard this name since, but I wonder if it's a name you've heard of and/or if the meaning is legit.
(Tragically, the family moved back to Oz after a few years. Soon after their return, the parents were killed in a road accident in NSW. The daughter wasn't with them, but I never learned what became of her.)
Lemme know if you have any info on the name, please,
i dislike place names!!! the only one i like is: paris.
I think your the one who's being silly.
Both those names have really not much to do with being American.
There are many Michelle's around that are not Freanch....
Both those names have really not much to do with being American.
There are many Michelle's around that are not Freanch....
What's the problem
Hi Arimaen,
you don't think it's a good idea to give an American name to an Australian child?? So no Australian child can be named Rachel which is Hebrew, Erin which is Irish, Alexander which is Greek, Carl which is Norse, or Robert which is Teutonic?????
Regards, Satu
Hi Arimaen,
you don't think it's a good idea to give an American name to an Australian child?? So no Australian child can be named Rachel which is Hebrew, Erin which is Irish, Alexander which is Greek, Carl which is Norse, or Robert which is Teutonic?????
Regards, Satu
I think the issue was partially that Montana is a place name, and while Irish people often give their kids Irish names, far less people identify themselves as ethnically Montanian. Regardless, I don't see anything wrong with randomly or seemingly randomly chosen names in that department, but I do think Montana is an ugly name anyway . . .
Cheyenne is nice, though. I used to know an awesome horse named Cheyenne.
Cheyenne is nice, though. I used to know an awesome horse named Cheyenne.
Oh no
The biggest problem that I have with Montana is that It would be
like someone in the US naming their child New South Wales!
Yet, I would put up with Victoria. Its nice and its where I live. It was also a NAME before it ever became a PLACE.
I just don't like the look of Cheyenne, too awkward.
The biggest problem that I have with Montana is that It would be
like someone in the US naming their child New South Wales!
Yet, I would put up with Victoria. Its nice and its where I live. It was also a NAME before it ever became a PLACE.
I just don't like the look of Cheyenne, too awkward.
Hm...it's got a ring to it...
New South Wales Smith. Heh heh. >:D
New South Wales Smith. Heh heh. >:D
Oh yes
I dont quite buy the argument that names should be "geographically-compatible" with a person. However Actually Montana means "mountainous" in Latin, and I wouldnt car a womae much for a woman called "mountainous", Grand Tetons notwithstanding.
Cute name, means "I cant understand your banter". To the non-American francophile who grew up without Bonanza and Gunsmoke, the name may well sound like Chienne, meaning Bitch. Yes, I agree that under such circumstances the name may sound icky.
I think she is damn sexy, I always put my TV on mute when her videos are playing and ogle like a filthy deprived old man.
I dont quite buy the argument that names should be "geographically-compatible" with a person. However Actually Montana means "mountainous" in Latin, and I wouldnt car a womae much for a woman called "mountainous", Grand Tetons notwithstanding.
Cute name, means "I cant understand your banter". To the non-American francophile who grew up without Bonanza and Gunsmoke, the name may well sound like Chienne, meaning Bitch. Yes, I agree that under such circumstances the name may sound icky.
I think she is damn sexy, I always put my TV on mute when her videos are playing and ogle like a filthy deprived old man.
Whaddaya mean, "LIKE a filthy deprived old man"?
Oops! Stike that off and replace it with 'Like this internet buddy of mine' :P
I have to agree with you. The name does seem pretty contrived, especially if there is no connection with the US. I have a pretty conservative taste in names so Ultra modern or made up names usually sound wrong to me.
Its the same with me, my tastes are also fairly conservative but If I find a more unsual name that really catches my eye then I start loving it! (Like Anes!).