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[Surname] Could be.......
I had suggested this to my friend, too, and I also suggested that it maybe came from Bartholomew, but she said 'no' and said it came from the Queen Berthe. I don't know if she's right, I don't believe she knows too much about the etymology of names in general, so I think my guesses of Berthold and Bartholomew come closer in the neighbourhood than Queen Berthe.


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Origin of the surname Bertholet?  ·  Lucille  ·  9/27/2002, 1:49 AM
Re: Origin of the surname Bertholet?  ·  Judith  ·  9/27/2002, 6:40 AM
Re: Origin of the surname Bertholet?  ·  Reg Niles  ·  10/17/2002, 2:08 AM
Could be.......  ·  Lucille  ·  9/29/2002, 5:47 AM