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[Facts] Whee, another anagramfest.
Erin Taoistina, si vous-plaiz? (I think I may have mangled that spelling. Stoopid French.) Still female ^_^.
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Avec plaisir!
Is Toistina really your surname? Cool! Its anagram is "satiation"!
Erin Taoistina
Ariona Tiniest
Ariona is a fem. version of Arion. There were two Arions in the Hellenic world: A horse, offspring of a bestial encounter between Poseidon and Demeter (who had transormed herself into a mare to eschew Poseidon's sexual advances, unsuccessfully), and the musician whose life was saved by Dolphins when he was dumped into the Ionian sea.
Tiniest isnt really Greek, but I like it :)
On a cheesier note, toy name also includes the name "Aniston" :P
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Nah, not really. It's a middle name/surname given to me by my friends; I've got a whole collection of those names. ^_^ But hey, who's to say what's real and what isn't? Aside from birth certificates . . .Ariona Tiniest is great. :) I remember the first Arion. Second one's a little more uplifting. (Now I get to tell people my Greek surname is Tiniest. Hehehe.)
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