[Opinions] Local Birth announcements from this week..WDYT?
Our newspaper recently made an article every week with newborn's congrats, here are this weeks:
Anestasia - sister to Martoesja, mom is Oksana so i'm guessing Russian mom
Lucas - brother to Jelle
Larissa Amy - my name! ieh! it's getting popular around here..
Mathijs - brother to Thomas
Puck (BOY) - brother to Tom (Puck is a girls name here! ieh!)
Stan - brother to Bob (nope not Robert, just bob)
Alissya - personally think this is so refressing after all the normal dutch names i've seen..
Lieve - belgian girl name, quite popular there, not here though
Berber (boy) - urgh
Hugo - brother to Dennis and Suzan
Romy - sister to Kevin
Lucas - brother to Amber (love this combo)
Pepita - sister to Britney (ieuw ieuw ieuw)
Huub - brother to Thieu (not Mathieu, just thieu)
Suus - not susanne or anything, just suus -ieuw-
Anouk - sister to Naomi
Lily Caroline - sister to Dagmar and Jorrit (Caroline is pronounced as Kah-ro-lee-neh)
!!!!!!! and ???, see my profile for their names!
Anestasia - sister to Martoesja, mom is Oksana so i'm guessing Russian mom
Lucas - brother to Jelle
Larissa Amy - my name! ieh! it's getting popular around here..
Mathijs - brother to Thomas
Puck (BOY) - brother to Tom (Puck is a girls name here! ieh!)
Stan - brother to Bob (nope not Robert, just bob)
Alissya - personally think this is so refressing after all the normal dutch names i've seen..
Lieve - belgian girl name, quite popular there, not here though
Berber (boy) - urgh
Hugo - brother to Dennis and Suzan
Romy - sister to Kevin
Lucas - brother to Amber (love this combo)
Pepita - sister to Britney (ieuw ieuw ieuw)
Huub - brother to Thieu (not Mathieu, just thieu)
Suus - not susanne or anything, just suus -ieuw-
Anouk - sister to Naomi
Lily Caroline - sister to Dagmar and Jorrit (Caroline is pronounced as Kah-ro-lee-neh)
!!!!!!! and ???, see my profile for their names!
My friend's niece is Lily Caroline! My dd is Caroline but it makes a super middle name too.
Caroline is the name we chose for baby girl due in September. How common is it in your area? Not so popular where we live.
I like:
Larissa Amy
Alissya - not crazy about the spelling though
Anouk - very cute
Lily Caroline
Larissa Amy
Alissya - not crazy about the spelling though
Anouk - very cute
Lily Caroline
I like:
Alissya (I prefer the spelling Alyssa)
Lily Caroline (I only like the pronuncation Care-o-line-uh)
-Lissa Hannah-
My !'s = Kipling, Barry, Mortimer, Miles, Marmaduke, Fletcher, Hiram, Maris, Blanche, Gladys, Arlette, Glenda, Juniper, Lulu
My ?'s = Pasquale, Archibald, Humphrey, Nigel, Bernard, Minna, Doris, Shirley, Cordelia, Gertrude
Alissya (I prefer the spelling Alyssa)
Lily Caroline (I only like the pronuncation Care-o-line-uh)
-Lissa Hannah-
My ?'s = Pasquale, Archibald, Humphrey, Nigel, Bernard, Minna, Doris, Shirley, Cordelia, Gertrude
I really like Romy, Larissa, Anouk, Naomi, and Lily Caroline.
I don't like the Kair-oh-line pronunciation, but I love Kah-ro-lee-neh. Hugo and Max are alright. My friends used to call me Puck because there were two Chelsea's in our group and they want to give me a nn, lol.
How is Lieve pronounced? It looks pretty, but I don't know how to say it :-)

I don't like the Kair-oh-line pronunciation, but I love Kah-ro-lee-neh. Hugo and Max are alright. My friends used to call me Puck because there were two Chelsea's in our group and they want to give me a nn, lol.
How is Lieve pronounced? It looks pretty, but I don't know how to say it :-)
Lieve is pronounced as Lee-ve
Anestasia & Martoesja - Anestesia sounds like drugs, Martoesja has a nice sound.
Lucas & Jelle - ok
Larissa Amy - ok
Emma - too common here there and everwhere!
Mathijs & Thomas - Mathijs is cute
Puck (BOY) - horrible name! And as girls name?
Stan & Bob - ehh, nope.
Alissya - ok
Lieve - nice
Berber (boy) - well, I think only of the people
Hugo & Dennis and Suzan - Hugo is ok, not a fan of the sibs names.
Romy & Kevin - Romy is nice, Kevin is nms
Lucas & Amber - lovely
Pepita & Britney - interesting and.. such..
Max - nms
Huub & Thieu - Huub is weird, Thieu sounds like a whisper.
Suus - sweet
Anouk & Naomi - lovely
Lily Caroline & Dagmar and Jorrit - I love Lily, Dagmar is too old sounding, Jorrit I don't like.
- - Kate - -