[Facts] meaning of a name
what does the name tamlyn mean
The surname TAMLYN is Scottish. It means "Descendant of little Tam, a pet form of Thomas (a twin)."
This definition is from page 503 of “New Dictionary of American Family Names,” by Elsdon C. Smith, published 1973.
Reg Niles
This definition is from page 503 of “New Dictionary of American Family Names,” by Elsdon C. Smith, published 1973.
Reg Niles
More info, please.
Where did you see this particular name? What gender was the person?
The reason I ask is that if it is a male's name, then it might be a variation of the Scottish Tam Lin (spelling correction, please), the hero of a famous ballad about a man who was held prisoner by the Fair Folk who was released through the combined efforts of Tam Lin and a young lady (who later became his wife.)
Otherwise, I don't have the faintest idea.
Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
Where did you see this particular name? What gender was the person?
The reason I ask is that if it is a male's name, then it might be a variation of the Scottish Tam Lin (spelling correction, please), the hero of a famous ballad about a man who was held prisoner by the Fair Folk who was released through the combined efforts of Tam Lin and a young lady (who later became his wife.)
Otherwise, I don't have the faintest idea.
Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)