[Opinions] I just found out my family has its very own bad twin set
First, I have to outline the familial relations on this one, 'cause it's kind of complicated.
Dad was married once before he married Mom. I don't know his ex-wife's name, but she was the sister of Barry (whom Mom almost married, oddly enough). Barry in turn married Jean, and had Monique, who herself had a baby named Faith (whose birth I reported here last year or so). Anyway, Barry's father divorced his mother and remarried. They had twins, and they're the subject of this post.
Their names are Justin and Justine.
Yeah, they're bad, bad names. Yuck. Mom said they were a couple of brats at age nine, too. They're adults now, but Mom hasn't had any contact with them since they were kids.

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Dad was married once before he married Mom. I don't know his ex-wife's name, but she was the sister of Barry (whom Mom almost married, oddly enough). Barry in turn married Jean, and had Monique, who herself had a baby named Faith (whose birth I reported here last year or so). Anyway, Barry's father divorced his mother and remarried. They had twins, and they're the subject of this post.
Their names are Justin and Justine.
Yeah, they're bad, bad names. Yuck. Mom said they were a couple of brats at age nine, too. They're adults now, but Mom hasn't had any contact with them since they were kids.

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my cousin has two cousins (not related to me) who are bro and sis, a few years apart with the same names. you have to wonder if their parents lacked the creativity to give them thier own individual names. maybe they just really liked the name, it almost reminds you of michael jacksons 2 son with the same name, but lets not get on the subject of that.
Wow, that's pretty scary. I know of a Brianna and a Bryanah (Bree-ANN-ah and Bree-OHN-ah), and just heard yesterday of male/female twins named Emory and Emily that are 50 years old. lol All pretty bad as well. :b
I love the name Justine, though. There are so many great names they could've paired with it instead of picking the masculine version of that name!
I love the name Justine, though. There are so many great names they could've paired with it instead of picking the masculine version of that name!
Oh, that's awful! I like like either name on its own, but as a sibset it's just. . . *shudder*.
“I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.” George Carlin
“I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.” George Carlin
Ook--Justin and Justine are...well, atrocious. That's an interesting little story, too. Wow.
Array (who has "interesting" stories in her family tree, too)
"What are these parents thinking?...Let's name her Madison--she'll live in her own world: 16 square miles surrounded by reality." -- Susan Lampert Smith
Array (who has "interesting" stories in her family tree, too)
Extra interesting story (WARNING: Tragic/disturbing)
The reason Justin and Justine came up was because Mom was telling me about Barry's brother Gary's suicide by hanging. He had been addicted to crystal meth since his teens, which had caused a paralytic form of Parkinson's Disease. Besides the stress of being addicted for umpteen years, the family thinks he just couldn't take not being able to move and walk easily anymore.
The really disturbing thing is that either Gary's 15-year-old son or nephew (Mom was a little unclear about that; and if it's latter, then the boy was the son of Dad's ex-wife, who obviously must've remarried) found him hanging in the garage.
And, yes, Barry and Gary are another awful sib set. The family, needless to say, is nuts in more than one way.

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The reason Justin and Justine came up was because Mom was telling me about Barry's brother Gary's suicide by hanging. He had been addicted to crystal meth since his teens, which had caused a paralytic form of Parkinson's Disease. Besides the stress of being addicted for umpteen years, the family thinks he just couldn't take not being able to move and walk easily anymore.
The really disturbing thing is that either Gary's 15-year-old son or nephew (Mom was a little unclear about that; and if it's latter, then the boy was the son of Dad's ex-wife, who obviously must've remarried) found him hanging in the garage.
And, yes, Barry and Gary are another awful sib set. The family, needless to say, is nuts in more than one way.

Proud adopter of 15 PPs. See my profile for their names.
Oh! I'm sorry to hear that. That's absolutely tragical, if you'll allow me to say so. (And yes, someone's rereading her Green Gables books.)
Wow. We've some interesting family stories, but the most disturbing ones aren't even completely known to us. The only one that's really safe to tell is that I've a vaguely cousin named Misty who lives in Florida and tries to be a rapper. I've never met her, but my mother thinks it's hilarious (needless to say, Misty is on my father's side of the family) that I've got a white female rapper in the family.
I like the name Gary, though with Barry, it's more than a little painful. Barry is much too Gibb for me to appreciate, whether with a rhyming brother or without.
"What are these parents thinking?...Let's name her Madison--she'll live in her own world: 16 square miles surrounded by reality." -- Susan Lampert Smith
Wow. We've some interesting family stories, but the most disturbing ones aren't even completely known to us. The only one that's really safe to tell is that I've a vaguely cousin named Misty who lives in Florida and tries to be a rapper. I've never met her, but my mother thinks it's hilarious (needless to say, Misty is on my father's side of the family) that I've got a white female rapper in the family.
I like the name Gary, though with Barry, it's more than a little painful. Barry is much too Gibb for me to appreciate, whether with a rhyming brother or without.
Wow, that is tragic and sad.
Barry and Gary remind me of some family friends that we have whose adult children are named Gary, Jerry, Terri (Teresa) & Steve (Steven). Poor Steve!
We have quite a few skeletons in our family closet, a main one being that one of my cousins is the product of two first cousins. But hey, we do live in the South! :b
Barry and Gary remind me of some family friends that we have whose adult children are named Gary, Jerry, Terri (Teresa) & Steve (Steven). Poor Steve!
We have quite a few skeletons in our family closet, a main one being that one of my cousins is the product of two first cousins. But hey, we do live in the South! :b
As a Jewish girl, I find first cousin marriages totally common :)
In my country (France), some categories of people do it too: peasants, aristocrats, some bourgeois families, very observant Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus. :)
~~ Claire ~~
My dear ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen and Julian.
My dear ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny and Cordelia.
In my country (France), some categories of people do it too: peasants, aristocrats, some bourgeois families, very observant Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus. :)
~~ Claire ~~
My dear ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen and Julian.
My dear ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny and Cordelia.
I guess it's just more of a taboo in the U.S. (present day, though it used to be more acceptable) and other places. I did leave out a bit, though. The bigger issue, rather than my cousin being the product of 2 first cousins, is that he hasn't been told this. He believes his mother's husband is his biological father. And my cousin is 33 years old. I found out purely by accident, and I'm only one of a handful of people that know. My cousin is also a little "odd" looking (and it is proven that first cousins and other close relatives producing children can lead to mental and physical abnormalities/disabilities)--he's extremely skinny without trying to be and 6'9". But fortunately he wasn't affected mentally, he's actually extremely intelligent. He's actually close to his "cousin" (his biological father, unbeknownst to him) and that cousin's son, who is just a little younger than him. It's all rather sad and sordid, though none of us in the family look down on him or his mother or anyone in the situation AT ALL. It's just remained a secret for a long time, and at this point, I personally don't think it would help him or anyone else to ever find out the truth.
Sorry to ramble on about it. It's not like I ever discuss it with anyone, so it's kind of weird to do so here, but since you guys don't really "know" me then I guess it's ok. lol :b
I guess it's just more of a taboo in the U.S. (present day, though it used to be more acceptable) and other places. I did leave out a bit, though. The bigger issue, rather than my cousin being the product of 2 first cousins, is that he hasn't been told this. He believes his mother's husband is his biological father. And my cousin is 33 years old. I found out purely by accident, and I'm only one of a handful of people that know. My cousin is also a little "odd" looking (and it is proven that first cousins and other close relatives producing children can lead to mental and physical abnormalities/disabilities)--he's extremely skinny without trying to be and 6'9". But fortunately he wasn't affected mentally, he's actually extremely intelligent. He's actually close to his "cousin" (his biological father, unbeknownst to him) and that cousin's son, who is just a little younger than him. It's all rather sad and sordid, though none of us in the family look down on him or his mother or anyone in the situation AT ALL. It's just remained a secret for a long time, and at this point, I personally don't think it would help him or anyone else to ever find out the truth.
Sorry to ramble on about it. It's not like I ever discuss it with anyone, so it's kind of weird to do so here, but since you guys don't really "know" me then I guess it's ok. lol :b
You're both right, I'm sorry. I'm a nurse, I DO know these things, just got off track talking about these family issues, I guess. lol First cousins together doesn't CAUSE abnormalities, but can accentuate them if they are there in the first place. Like you said, Claire.
You're both right, I'm sorry. I'm a nurse, I DO know these things, just got off track talking about these family issues, I guess. lol First cousins together doesn't CAUSE abnormalities, but can accentuate them if they are there in the first place. Like you said, Claire.
Oh I see. Yes it sounds weird... It must be a hard situation...
I would just like to point that marriage between cousins (or even uncles and nieces, like Jews sometimes do) don't creat abnormalities in themselves, but emphasize every characteristic, good or bad, as the generations "go on". Take a family with bad hair and nice eyes, make them intermarry, and some generations later you have a family of people with very bad hair and very nice eyes. That's why I think cousins marriage is only harmful if there is a known hereditary defect in the family. I'm the living proof that, apart from this case, it's no problem lol :)
~~ Claire ~~
My dear ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen and Julian.
My dear ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny and Cordelia.
I would just like to point that marriage between cousins (or even uncles and nieces, like Jews sometimes do) don't creat abnormalities in themselves, but emphasize every characteristic, good or bad, as the generations "go on". Take a family with bad hair and nice eyes, make them intermarry, and some generations later you have a family of people with very bad hair and very nice eyes. That's why I think cousins marriage is only harmful if there is a known hereditary defect in the family. I'm the living proof that, apart from this case, it's no problem lol :)
~~ Claire ~~
My dear ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen and Julian.
My dear ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny and Cordelia.
First-cousin intermarriage was banned in England for a long time (I don't know when exactly though - should look that up!) so it tends to be more taboo in English and English-based societies (it's somewhat taboo in Australia too).
♦ Chrisell ♦
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
Wow! I have cousins in England, and I'm sure some of them must be married with first cousins... I wonder what they do... Maybe they only get a religious marriage?
~~ Claire ~~
My dear ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen and Julian.
My dear ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny, Cordelia, Fiammetta and Yocheved.
~~ Claire ~~
My dear ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen and Julian.
My dear ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny, Cordelia, Fiammetta and Yocheved.
this should be under Miranda's post lol
I'm happy to see someone informed :). A girl on another board asked me if there were some babies born with two heads in my family LOL
~~ Claire ~~
My dear ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen and Julian.
My dear ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny, Cordelia, Fiammetta and Yocheved.
I'm happy to see someone informed :). A girl on another board asked me if there were some babies born with two heads in my family LOL
~~ Claire ~~
My dear ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen and Julian.
My dear ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny, Cordelia, Fiammetta and Yocheved.
This message was edited 5/17/2005, 4:38 PM
Ditto. Genetically, cousin-inbreeding isn't a usually a problem.

Proud adopter of 15 PPs. See my profile for their names.

Proud adopter of 15 PPs. See my profile for their names.
Oh, poor you. Just remember that it is not your fault...
I see that all families have their share of complicated stories...
Anyway, I like both names, but *not* together. Are they prononced the same or differently?
~~ Claire ~~
My dear ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen and Julian.
My dear ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny and Cordelia.
Anyway, I like both names, but *not* together. Are they prononced the same or differently?
~~ Claire ~~
My dear ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen and Julian.
My dear ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny and Cordelia.
No prob. That drove me nuts for a while, too.
That's right. :-)

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Proud adopter of 15 PPs. See my profile for their names.