[Facts] Tallulah
My Georgia history schoolbook says Tallulah means "awesome" and this site says it means "leaping waters." Which is correct?
In that case, do any of ya'll know how the authors of the textbook came up with "awesome"?
The quick, snarky answer: they're baby name book authors.
The longer, slightly snarky answer: 99% of name book/sites can't be trusted as long as they have the word "baby" or "child" in the title. These sites tend to cater to parents who seemingly can't think of their child being anything but a baby, and aren't interested in etymology at all--only in a cutesy, fluffy meaning.
Now, given that clientele, I'm not surprised that most of these sites (which are, usually also commercial...) are just too lazy to give a darn about true meanings. So they (excuse me) pull meanings out of their butts, or take a meaning that was falsely derived and perpetuate it (like Katherine's "pure" or Brendan's "smelly hair"). Oh, and don't forget to make sure the name meaning's only one word long!
As for "awesome" itself... Maybe oneway21001's interpretation is right? I don't know, to be honest.

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The longer, slightly snarky answer: 99% of name book/sites can't be trusted as long as they have the word "baby" or "child" in the title. These sites tend to cater to parents who seemingly can't think of their child being anything but a baby, and aren't interested in etymology at all--only in a cutesy, fluffy meaning.
Now, given that clientele, I'm not surprised that most of these sites (which are, usually also commercial...) are just too lazy to give a darn about true meanings. So they (excuse me) pull meanings out of their butts, or take a meaning that was falsely derived and perpetuate it (like Katherine's "pure" or Brendan's "smelly hair"). Oh, and don't forget to make sure the name meaning's only one word long!
As for "awesome" itself... Maybe oneway21001's interpretation is right? I don't know, to be honest.

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Ever seen leaping or living waters? They are running or moving streams or waterfalls, don't you think something like Niagra Falls or the Mississippi River are AWESOME! Both renders are correct.
Um... No
Tallulah means "leaping waters". Period. It does not mean nor has ever been interpreted as "awesome" by professional etymologists--your own association that leaping waters are "awesome" is therefore irrelavent etymologically.

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Tallulah means "leaping waters". Period. It does not mean nor has ever been interpreted as "awesome" by professional etymologists--your own association that leaping waters are "awesome" is therefore irrelavent etymologically.

Proud adopter of 15 PPs. See my profile for their names.
Trust this site. Plus it's a name that is used frequently by Native Americans before Demi Moore used it. One of my full blooded Choctaw cousins is named Tallulah Diane
Shemish! No reason to be jumping on my head there, I just made a observation. Tallulah is more common than some may think today.