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[Facts] origins and meaning of Janssen
I was wondering if anyone can share any information they have on the name Janssen? My grandfather traced our origins back to northern Germany. Thanks for the help everyone.
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Johannes gives you John in English and Jan in northern Germanic languages like Dutch and the Scandinavian languages.-sen is just a way of writing -son (we don't actually pronounce the o sound, we just make a vague little noise called the neutral vowel, so in Scandinavia in particular they spell it with an e to show it's an unstressed syllable.Johnson is a common surname in English, and Janssen is the same - Jan's son!
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In the northwest of Lower Saxony the name Jansen / Janssen is still the most common last Anneza: In Germany, Norway and Sweden the "o" of the -son / -sson names is pronounced very clearly!Regards, Satu
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'N th' Yoonit'd Stayts uv 'Mer'cuh, we d'nt pern'ns arr vow'ls ver' m'ch.
Y''l'm ;P
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tht's wh t's s hrd t ndrstnd !St
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Haha! Most Americans from the Northern states talk like they haven't a second to waste. Where're you from, Satu?
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does anyone know the coat of arms for the janssen family?
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