[Opinions] Evangeline
I posted a few days ago with some combos my husband and I are considering. We are now leaning towards Evangeline but one comment in particular stood out to us. Someone said that Evangeline was too religous. Not that it's a bad comment or anything, we were just wondering if it would be problematic to have a name that was too religious. We are very religious people but we were wondering if it would turn other people off.
Thanks for your input, by the way. We really enjoyed reading your posts.
Thanks for your input, by the way. We really enjoyed reading your posts.
I am in England and to us it does not seem too obviously religious at all. in fact my husband and i are not especially religious in the traditional sense and we love the name evangeline. in fact it is in our top 3 names for our dd due in a couple of weeks, along with Mabel and Pearl. i love it its a cute name, and if it were shortened to Jeanie (as we would) or Evie i don't think anybody could even comment on the religious nature of the name.
Love clara
Love clara
I love this name. I didn't like it until I read Uncle Tom's Cabin. A little girl in that book is called Evangeline but goes by Eva, which imo is adorable! I also think Angie would be a cute nn for Evangeline. As far as any name turning other people off, I think that if you wanted to call her Poohead that's your prerogative, after all she is your child. Anyway, hope this helps! Good luck!
I like this name My sister named her daughter Evangelia a bulgarian form of the name but I prefer Evangeline.
Allison Meghan Elizabeth
Allison Meghan Elizabeth
I think its quite a religious name but if you're quite religious...then what's the issue? Are you ashamed?
No, not at all. We just don't want her to be stigmatized or anything.
It doesn't strike me as an especially religious name. I don't think it's that pretty though, despite being so frilly ... I'd prefer just Evan for a girl. I actually kind of like the Latinate Evangelina, though it's very long.
Whether overly religious names "turn other people off" depends very much on the circles you move in. I'd steer clear of overly religious names though, just as I'd avoid political ones, because a child will grow up to have her own ideas and these might not correspond with her name. But like I said, Evangeline doesn't really strike me as religious so it's not something to worry about :-)
Good luck!
"My universe is laced around your wrist; I am the bracelet you sport."
Whether overly religious names "turn other people off" depends very much on the circles you move in. I'd steer clear of overly religious names though, just as I'd avoid political ones, because a child will grow up to have her own ideas and these might not correspond with her name. But like I said, Evangeline doesn't really strike me as religious so it's not something to worry about :-)
Good luck!
"My universe is laced around your wrist; I am the bracelet you sport."
I like Evangeline, no religious associations either.
Rory Thomas is lovely too. Very nice sibset!
- - - Kitty - - -
Rory Thomas is lovely too. Very nice sibset!
- - - Kitty - - -
I think Rory Thomas is sweet
I (like Bear) think of the poem)
Usually I don't like 'religion' names on children (i.e. Christian) but in this case I don't think of it in that way
Evangeline Reese I only like if Reese is a family name or something, I find it masculine
Evangeline Lucie
Evangeline Sophia
Evangeline Madeleine
Evangeline Lily (love this one!)
My favourite names are Henry Atticus, Isaac ?, Freya Jasmine, Lyra Isabel and Iris Emily
Proud big sister to Sophie and Isabel
I (like Bear) think of the poem)
Usually I don't like 'religion' names on children (i.e. Christian) but in this case I don't think of it in that way
Evangeline Reese I only like if Reese is a family name or something, I find it masculine
Evangeline Lucie
Evangeline Sophia
Evangeline Madeleine
Evangeline Lily (love this one!)
My favourite names are Henry Atticus, Isaac ?, Freya Jasmine, Lyra Isabel and Iris Emily
Proud big sister to Sophie and Isabel
Isn't Evangeline Lily the name of an actress though?
I think it's pretty. I don't automatically think of it as sounding religious when I hear it.
I don't associate Evangeline with religion (the only name I do associate with religion is Christian). Nonetheless, I do not care for the name - if this makes sense: I find it frilly, but not pretty. And I think of Vaseline.
-Lissa Hannah-
Check out my profile for the names of my !'s, ?'s, ~'s, and /'s.
-Lissa Hannah-
That was me, wasn't it? I think it was, because that's how I feel about the name. But it's too religious for me. I'm completely lacking in religion.
I don't think it would put people off at all though. It doesn't put me off, it's just simply not something I would ever give my child, but I think it's perfectly fine. It's a nice name, and as some other members have mentioned, it's not like naming your child Jesus or Christ or something like that.
“Mr. Hooten: What happened to the cat, Albert?
Albert: How'd you know about my cat?
Mr. Hooten: Curiosity killed it.
Albert: Oh, that cat."
- I Heart Huckabees
I don't think it would put people off at all though. It doesn't put me off, it's just simply not something I would ever give my child, but I think it's perfectly fine. It's a nice name, and as some other members have mentioned, it's not like naming your child Jesus or Christ or something like that.
“Mr. Hooten: What happened to the cat, Albert?
Albert: How'd you know about my cat?
Mr. Hooten: Curiosity killed it.
Albert: Oh, that cat."
- I Heart Huckabees
I wouldn't worry. I'm not religious and I'm aware of the meaning of the name. But I think of the poem.
What are you thinking for a mn?
What are you thinking for a mn?
See? That's why I should read all of the comments first . . . .
Rory Thomas is gorgeous. I love Evangeline, but Reese? Is that a family surname? If so, then fine, but otherwise I see this as a misspelled boy's name (Rhys). May I suggest a few mns?
Evangeline Rose
Evangeline Sophie
Evangeline Zoe
Evangeline Celia
Evangeline Tess
Evangeline Ruby
Rory Thomas is gorgeous. I love Evangeline, but Reese? Is that a family surname? If so, then fine, but otherwise I see this as a misspelled boy's name (Rhys). May I suggest a few mns?
Evangeline Rose
Evangeline Sophie
Evangeline Zoe
Evangeline Celia
Evangeline Tess
Evangeline Ruby
Reese is an Anglicised form of Rhys.

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
I don't see anyting wrong with Evangeline. It's not like you named your child Angel or Jesus (or Adonis, but that's a personal guilty pleasure).
Also I don't care for Reece. I like Rory Thomas but I only like Thomas on a twin because of the meaning.

*looks down from Cloud Nine* *dazed voice* I met Kelly Clarkson. *teethy grin*
Also I don't care for Reece. I like Rory Thomas but I only like Thomas on a twin because of the meaning.

*looks down from Cloud Nine* *dazed voice* I met Kelly Clarkson. *teethy grin*
I personally don't find Evangeline too religious. Its less in-your-face than some of the Biblical names people choose and certainly less so than naming your son Jesus, which is common in some countries. And no, religious isn't bad. "Too religious" is like "too ethnic." If you're proud of your beliefs or your ethnicity, there's nothing too religious or too ethnic.
Oh, and with my silly pregnancy brain I forgot to say also that we are favoring the combo Evangeline Reese and for a boy Rory Thomas. Thomas is my brother's middle naem and I don't know how I didn't think of it sooner! Both combos were suggested by members and I wanted to tell you that you were very helpful.