[Opinions] Bad twin names.....
The sib set is bad but i love Tristan
Those names are WAY too close. Poor kids...
I love both names separatly (I have a cousin Christian) but together...not great...at all. They will have such problems. My parents had problems with mixing our names up. In my household my parents would go through all four other names, Dave, Allie, Darren, Dustin...I mean Andie, I would get so annoyed!
Babies Juliana and Sophia, my nieces are
Argh! How dislike same sounding names for twins. I swear: parents must think naming twins - or any multiple babies - is a game and such fun! Little do they realize, that these children will one day be adults - not forever 5-year-olds.
-Lissa Hannah-
Check out my profile for the names of my !'s, ?'s, ~'s, and /'s.
-Lissa Hannah-
If you say them over and over, it just turns into "Ssssssh...Sssssh...".

The joke is on them.
These parents have condemned themselves to saying these names whenever calling them for meals, etc. I think all parents get mixed up from time to time. Mine did and we were different genders and the names weren't similar at all.
My bet is they will regret these names. Too bad the children will be stuck with them. (Individually, they're not bad names. Just difficult in combination when living in the same house.)
These parents have condemned themselves to saying these names whenever calling them for meals, etc. I think all parents get mixed up from time to time. Mine did and we were different genders and the names weren't similar at all.
My bet is they will regret these names. Too bad the children will be stuck with them. (Individually, they're not bad names. Just difficult in combination when living in the same house.)