in reply to a message by avalon
Casey and Alex are proud to introduce their daughter, Jacqueline Patricia. Jacqueline was born on September 12. She weighs 7 lbs 7 oz and is 22 inches long. Jacqueline is welcomed by her adoring siblings Ava (6), Henry (5), Aubrey (3), Jamie (3), and Siena (10 mo).
DW: Casey
DH: Alex
DD: Ava Juliet
DS: Henry Alexander.
DS/DD: Aubrey Taylor / Jamie Alexis
DD: Siena Florence
DD: Jacqueline Patricia
DW: Casey
DH: Alex
DD: Ava Juliet
DS: Henry Alexander.
DS/DD: Aubrey Taylor / Jamie Alexis
DD: Siena Florence
DD: Jacqueline Patricia