[Facts] Pronunciation of Camané??
I was wondering if anyone knows how to pronounce the name Camané??
background info?! Such as usage (country, language?) etc. That will help a lot, otherwise it's just guessing. The only thing i do know is that because of the e is an é, it's emphasized (sp?!?!), and therefor most likely pronounced as NAY, my guess would be Ca-ma-NAY, but it could also be CA-ma-NAY or ca-MANAY...
!!!!!!!, ??? and ~~~~~, see my profile for their names!
!!!!!!!, ??? and ~~~~~, see my profile for their names!
It's recently on the TV show Empire, I haven't watched enough of the show though to catch them saying the characters name though so I am wondering how they pronounce it on the show, probably not correctly though. :)

it looks as if it should be cam-uh-NAY
~Lully Lulla~
~Lully Lulla~
i think its Cam-ANE