[Surname] origins & meanings of Tesreau, Brisebois, & Auel
Can anyone tell me the origins & meanings of these surnames:
I believe they are all of French origin.
I believe they are all of French origin.
Brisebois is from la Creuse region. Variants include Brisabois, Brisebost and Brisebot. Meaning uncertain. It is thought it may have been a woodcutter's or carpenter's nickname (because brisé means broken, bois means wood).
Tesreau (Tesseraud, Tesserault, Tessereau, Tesserot) is originally from the Pays de Loire/ Poitou-Charentes, and may derive from 'Tessier' meaning weaver (modern French: Tisserand).
Tessaro is an Italian surname meaning "one who wove cloth, or a weaver". Could Tessaro possibly be a variation of Tesreau ? Their spellings & pronunciations are very similiar.
That would imply that the Tessaro's are of French descent, which I doubt. Linguistically speaking the names are related: Both are from Latin texere, 'to weave'.