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[Facts] Who am I?
Hello, I am looking for anyone with information about the origination of the variant spelling of my name: Kieryn.I have no idead how my parents came up with it, a random mutation I believe, but I have noticed that the spelling has been used by a few others, largely for females. (I am actually a guy :-) )Can anyone help?
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Hey it's so cool to see other people with the same spelling as mine. I asked my parents about the reasons why they choose to spell my name with a y rather than the usual e or a. My mums response was just that it looked more female and "pretty". Now i am definately far from a prissy girl play lots of sport and seem to fit in with the boys a lot. Having the name kieryn i think made this so. when i was younger i had short hair and with the name kieryn i could pretend i was one of the boys, rolling in mud and playing footy. Mybe i could work opposite for you you could grow your hair and pretend to be 'one of the girls' mybe you'd pick up heaps of chicks!
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Hi, I am a boy who has the same spelling. My mom named me
after an evil star trek character and I try to live up to
that! Have a good one!!Kieryn Henry Howard
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Maybe Kieran?Kieran
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OK, I give up - who are you?
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