What is the meaning of the female name DALIBORKA ?
Origin must be Croatian.
Origin must be Croatian.
I'm thinking...
Feminine of Dalibor --> Dalibora --> Pet form = Daliborka
Feminine of Dalibor --> Dalibora --> Pet form = Daliborka
I think so too.
I once a TV special about a brother and sister, coming from, I think Croatia. Both kids and they followed them for a while.
The boy was Dalibor and his sister was Daliborka. So yes, Daliborka can be the feminine form of Dalibor.
But that's just my opinion.
~ Charlie Blue.
~ !'s & ?'s In My Profile.
Follow The Evidence,
It Cannot Lie!

Grissom & Sara CSI!
I once a TV special about a brother and sister, coming from, I think Croatia. Both kids and they followed them for a while.
The boy was Dalibor and his sister was Daliborka. So yes, Daliborka can be the feminine form of Dalibor.
But that's just my opinion.
~ Charlie Blue.
~ !'s & ?'s In My Profile.
It Cannot Lie!

Grissom & Sara CSI!