[Opinions] Dean?
What do you think of the name Dean?

This message was edited 3/10/2007, 6:31 PM

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I like Dean as a mn. My grandpa is Robert Dean.
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I like the name.
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where I live it is overused and most of the bearers are boys between the age of 11-15 so I'm slightly biased when I say I dislike this name because I assocaite it with annoying boys who are often in trouble. But there are worse out there, and I wouldn't mind it on a little boy (please not a girl!) but I'd never use it
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It's nice. A bit 1970s-ish but not so much so that it shouldn't be used today, imo.
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It's not really my think it reminds me of a Dean of a college.
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Strongly dislike it. Something about the sound just sounds kind of high-strung and snobby to me. Sorry.
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