[Opinions] Willow?
What do you think of this as a first or middle name? :) Thanks.
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I really like it. It's pretty, but my be better as a middle name.
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I think it's absolutely gorgeous!
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I like it for both FN & MN, on both genders.
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I love it :)
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I think it's pretty, but only as a middle name. I'd have trouble taking a Willow seriously. Can you imagine a lawyer or president named Willow? Grandma Willow? I can't.
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Not my style at all, sorry. There's not really anything intrinsically wrong with it, but I mentally put in in the ... well I can't think of what to call the category, but it's the same idea to me as Raven, Crystal, Draken, etc, all of which I can't stand.
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Whoa, I've had Willow on my mind all day so it's kind of weird that you asked about it. :)I think it's pretty and romantic, but at the same time youthful, and I really love it. I see myself using it as mn rather than a fn, though I do I like it as a fn and I think it works for both. Willow sort of makes me think of an old lady from way back when, singing as she hangs up wet clothes on the line on a sunny day, but I still like the name.
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I love it! I think it's best as a first name.
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I think it's wonderful. Kind of hippie-ish and retro.

This message was edited 3/26/2007, 4:20 PM

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I love it.It's growing in popularity, though.I personally think Willow Celeste is lovely.
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I love it for a first or middle name.
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