[Opinions] Brook/Brooke
Do you think Brook/Brooke is a good name for a boy?I don't like masculine names on a girl and i know this is a popular one - would it work on a boy? and which spelling?any mn suggestions?
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I love Brooke on a girl, I think most people (at least kids) will see it as a girl's name. Brooklyn is better for a boy, but I probably wouldn't use it
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I agree with Brooks, which I like a lotI've met one Brooks, and he was HOT and smart and atheletic. One of those full packages. Yeah, I only have good thoughts for the name now.
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yes please use this on your son [m]I ADORE Brook for a boy! Everyone tells me it's so girly, but I see it as unisex, I much prefer for a boy. I would love to see a boy Brook. My future son [well one of them] will probably be named Brooklyn nn Brook(s).
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I agree with the suggestion of Brooks. To me, Brooks is masculine, but Brook ( with either spelling) makes me think of a girl.
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I think that Brook (that is the spelling that I would use) is fine for a boy. As for my personal opinion, I like the name but it's not a big favorite of mine.

This message was edited 4/10/2007, 11:27 AM

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I'm sorry, I dislike Brooke on either sex.
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I have a great uncle named Brooke (not sure whether it was spelt with an e or not), so I definitely think it could be used on a boy.
How about:
Brook Michael
Brook Alexander
Brook William
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I know a little boy named Brooklyn. I think that Brook is a cute name for either gender. I also love Brooks for a boy!
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yeah so do i ...isnt is surname Beckham?? lol
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I love names with water meanings, and even though this wouldnt be my first pick for a boy, I wouldnt say "what were his parents thinking?!" if I met someone with this name.I would definitely spell it Brook for a boy. No "e".Also, an option that might eliminate the feminine association is to use the name Brooks instead. That is traditionally only used for boys. In fact, I've met a guy with this name.
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