[Opinions] Jesse
I'm a bit in love with the name Jesse. Wdyt of it? It's pretty much unusable if I have a son in Scotland, since a "jessie" here is a (usually effeminate) wimp and it's not familiar as a boys' name. Just an older woman's name - Jessie - and even that's out of fashion. Which might be a good thing ... He wouldn't share his name with female peers. (We aren't really accustomed to unisex names in Scotland. People don't allow for them, I find.)But, for theoretical purposes, wdyto these combos and can you suggest any more?Jesse Morgan DominicJesse Morgan OliverJesse Henry DamianJesse Henry FelixJesse Brendan Jonathan

This message was edited 4/19/2007, 6:38 AM

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I love the name Jesse, it's a fave of mine actually. My fave combo would be Jesse Morgan Oliver.
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It's more accepted as a boy's name here in the U.S., I suppose, though Jessie and Jessica are still frequently used for girls. I know several male Jesses, young and old. I don't care for it on either gender, but I'd much rather see it on a boy. It's just a little too "cowboy" sounding to me. Not that's there's anything wrong with cowboys in general. :b Of your combos (even though I'm not big on two mn's), I really like Jesse Morgan Oliver and Jesse Henry Felix best.
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I love Jesse. Really!Jesse Morgan Oliver is my favourite from there, I also like Jesse Henry and Jesse Brendan.
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I know it stinks doesn't it! Jesse is dubbed a girls name :( but I did see some girls at school swooning over Jesse McCartney once, so maybe if he becomes popular enough in the UK then maybe it will become more recognised as a boys name as well? I'm not sure.Jesse Morgan Dominic - loveJesse Morgan Oliver - loveJesse Henry Damian - doesn't seem to flow..Jesse Henry Felix - okJesse Brendan Jonathan - no I don't like this one sorry, it doesn't seem to flow or really go together.
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I'm hoping Jesse Metcalf will have that effect too ... I don't want it to get popular, just accepted, y'know? Thanks for the feedback :-)
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I absolutely love Jesse, but I see what you mean about it being pretty unusable here in the UK, because it's seen as such a girls' name. Anyway, my favourite combo would be Jesse Morgan Dominic.
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