[Opinions] Guy? WDYT?
Yeah, yeah, I know--I'm surprised that I haven't asked about Guy yet, either.I've always found it handsome, though. Not just since I saw V for Vendetta. ;) What do you think of the name? I'd pronounce it the English way, so I don't think I'd ever consider it as anything but a middle name.As for combos? I don't know, lol. None spring to mind at the moment--it's sort of a free agent right now.Any thoughts you might have would be most appreciated. :D Thank you!Array
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I really like it actually : ) It would be confused as the word Guy as a first name unfortunately, but I think you could get away with it. With all of the other unusual and word names I think it could work. It would be cool as a middle name as well though.Mostly using the usual suspects:
Guy Morpheus
Guy Nathaniel / Nathaniel Guy
Guy Edmond / Edmond Guy
Guy Ptolemy
Guy Ignatius / Ignatius Guy
Guy Clare
Guy Crispin / Crispin Guy
Guy Ezra / Ezra Guy
Guy Gerard (Really like this one for some reason)
Guy Constantine
Guy Esmond (Esmund) / Esmond Guy
Guy Percival
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Ignoredouble post :-/

This message was edited 4/23/2007, 12:05 PM

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I agree it would be better as a mn. I like it but it's just such a common word, that I think it would be awkward. 'Hey Guy! No, not you, Guy, that guy over there.' LOL. I lump it in the same category as Hugh (if pronounced YOO...I prefer HYOO). 'Hey you. No, not you, Hugh.' :b

This message was edited 4/23/2007, 12:04 PM

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I met an Olin Guy the Fourth yesterday, and even though the name cracked me up (accompanied by super-WASP surname), I kind of like it. It does seem very much your style.
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It's common where I live, but always the French pronounciation. Sometines used alone , and sometimes a combination name, usually Jean-Guy.
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Here I was just *sure* you'd be using the French prn! :o) I personally prefer it to the American prn. Also, when using Guy as a mn, one must be extremely careful not to make an odd phrase out of the combo: Jasper Guy for example, sounds like someone who sell or makes jewelry out of jasper. ;o) Same with Benedict Guy (the guy who likes Eggs Benedict?). But I'm just being silly.Real name suggestions:
Guy Auberon
Guy Horatio (I just like the sound of Guy Ray)
Guy Ignatius (Guy Iggy?)
Guy Zacchaeus (Guy Zach?)
Edmond Guy
Bartholomew Guy (so far, this is my fave, but none strike the right chord with me)
Harold Ezra Guy (I just type as they come to me)
Frederich Irving Guy (or just Irving Guy or Guy Frederich)
Guy Garland (b/c we love alliteration) :o) OOH! I just thought: what if you added Guthrie to the end? Guy Garland Guthrie? Too much? I dunno; I just thought you'd like the Woody Guthrie allusion. :o) Guy Guthrie could work, too. ;o)
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I like Guy, especially as a mn (same reason as you), but it tends to drift off my radar a lot and I'm sure it doesn't hold hold my interest because it's short. The lengthier a name, the more it interests me, as a rule :-)

This message was edited 4/23/2007, 2:00 AM

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I love it, buy I prefer the French pronouncation. I think it's very charming and handsome, and wonderfully simple for such an elegant name. I'd pair it with a long-ish, sophistocated name like Guy Armand, Guy Edmund, Guy Vincent, Guy Benedict, or Guy Frederick, but that's just me.
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I know a guy from Canada who was almost named Gui--pronounced the French way, GHEE--after a hockey player, supposedly. He ended up being named Steven, which is a very good thing because his ln started with a GHEE sound. :-/ Sounded like someone saying Gigi wrong and then the last part of his ln. :b
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Likely the player was Guy Lafleur.
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Guy Benedict is a great combo!
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I like it, it was my Physiology teacher's name, and two other guy's I knew were named this.No idea about combos!
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As a middle name, Guy is ok. Just beause it's much more of an everyday word than something like Aria to use as a first name. Well, at least not for the average non-musical person. ;)I personally don't care for it. One of those names that I don't mind, as long as it's on someone else's kid, or even pet, for that matter.Combos. Well, the first suggestion that came to mind was Guy Sebastian / Sebastien, just because that's a name of a singer here in Australia. :PPutting more serious thought into it I will suggest: Guy Suggest because it looks and flows well imo and is a bit different. Though now I've written that it sounds more like a *a-hum* man in *a-hum* business... So, moving right along...Stuart Guy
Aneurin Guy
Augustus Guy
Demetrius Guy
Hadrian Guy
Magnus Guy
Erasmus Guy
Ilya Guy
Luther Guy
Lleu Guy
Montague Guy
Julian Guy
Osbert Guy
Murray Guy
Louis Guy
Jokum Guy
Errol Guy
Llewellyn Guy
Laurence Guy

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Its not my style, but its not horribly bad either...How about:
Clarence Guy
Frederick Guy
Terrence Guy
Lincoln Guy
Walter Guy
Winston Guy (I actually like this...)-Tate
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