[Opinions] Random BA's
Agnesia Tyra
Alley Renee`
Astoria Eden
Brooklyn Riley
Dallas Nichole
Desire Monique
Dyemond La'Shae
Genesis Marie
Icyiss Simiya
India Alise
Mircea Renee
O' Mirycle Mona'e
Oakley Paige
Rane Livia
Tremillion Louise
Tribeca Marcia
Vanesah Hannah
Aubrey Vaughn Lyons
Brastyn Willis
Brooklen Keith [yay! I love it when I find boy Brooklyns]
Cavery Michael
Elisha Levi
Gray Alexander
Kenya Arnez
Madden Tanner
Olah Mysei Juan
Riggs Michael
Sawyer Griffen
Sheperd Thomas
Syan Lok
Syruss Kahne
Zaire Ali
Alley Renee`
Astoria Eden
Brooklyn Riley
Dallas Nichole
Desire Monique
Dyemond La'Shae
Genesis Marie
Icyiss Simiya
India Alise
Mircea Renee
O' Mirycle Mona'e
Oakley Paige
Rane Livia
Tremillion Louise
Tribeca Marcia
Vanesah Hannah
Aubrey Vaughn Lyons
Brastyn Willis
Brooklen Keith [yay! I love it when I find boy Brooklyns]
Cavery Michael
Elisha Levi
Gray Alexander
Kenya Arnez
Madden Tanner
Olah Mysei Juan
Riggs Michael
Sawyer Griffen
Sheperd Thomas
Syan Lok
Syruss Kahne
Zaire Ali
Astoria - like it
Blakeney - hideous
Desire - poor kid
Dyemond - like Diamond as a mn
Huntley - so masculine
Icyiss Simiya - like Isis & Samiya spelled this way
O' Mirycle Mona'e - oh dear, this has got to be one of the worst ones I've seen yet!
Suri - sounds familiar
Tremillion - huh?
Tribeca - ditto!
Aubrey Vaughn - ooh like it, love seeing Aubrey on a boy!
Brastyn - that's a new one
Cougar - watch out
Alexander - love it
Nathangel - ?
Riggs - lol
Sawyer - GP
Sheperd Thomas - like Thomas, but Sheperd is definite teasing material imo
Blakeney - hideous
Desire - poor kid
Dyemond - like Diamond as a mn
Huntley - so masculine
Icyiss Simiya - like Isis & Samiya spelled this way
O' Mirycle Mona'e - oh dear, this has got to be one of the worst ones I've seen yet!
Suri - sounds familiar
Tremillion - huh?
Tribeca - ditto!
Aubrey Vaughn - ooh like it, love seeing Aubrey on a boy!
Brastyn - that's a new one
Cougar - watch out
Alexander - love it
Nathangel - ?
Riggs - lol
Sawyer - GP
Sheperd Thomas - like Thomas, but Sheperd is definite teasing material imo
Agnesia: Is it just me, or does this name sound like a medical condition, possibly one causing extreme pain?
Alley: Spelling it that way really doesn't give a very good impression, like she's some homeless street person.
Astoria Eden: The newest five-star hotel for nudists?
Blakeney: Roger and Muffy at the Wine Tasting!
Desire Monique: Even if it was Desiree, this combo looks trashy.
Dyemond La'Shae: Too tacky to buy natural colored diamonds, so they dyed them.
Huntley: Roger and Muffy at the Hunt Club Ball.
Icyiss: Was all that confusion necessary? Man, that was the icyiss Popsicle I ever ate! Not to mention the kids will probably call her Icy Ass.
O'Mirycle Mona'e: I sentence the parents to six months in a residentail, lock-down treatment center for apostrophe addiction. And An extra three months for misuse of y's.
Oakley Paige: Roger and Muffy at the Country Club!
Rane Livia: It is now raining liver. Yuck.
Suri: Copycats.
Tremillion: The same as naming her Bazillion.
Tribeca: I Love New York. But Not That Much.
Abrey Vaughn Lyons: Aw aw! Roger and Muffy's youngest son.
Brastyn: Brastyn the Brat.
Cougar: This is really dumb. A cutesy nn for a little "Daddy's Boy" (meaning, a loud, wild, out of control boy) but it sounds stupid on an adult.
Kenya: I think of this as very much a girl's name.
Madden Tanner: He'll get mad n Tanner fanny for her!
Nathangel: And what's wrong with Nathaniel, may I ask.
Riggs Michael: She Riggs Michael so he is unable to win.
Syan Lok: The lake of cyanide.
Syruss: As if Cyrus is not bad enough.
Alley: Spelling it that way really doesn't give a very good impression, like she's some homeless street person.
Astoria Eden: The newest five-star hotel for nudists?
Blakeney: Roger and Muffy at the Wine Tasting!
Desire Monique: Even if it was Desiree, this combo looks trashy.
Dyemond La'Shae: Too tacky to buy natural colored diamonds, so they dyed them.
Huntley: Roger and Muffy at the Hunt Club Ball.
Icyiss: Was all that confusion necessary? Man, that was the icyiss Popsicle I ever ate! Not to mention the kids will probably call her Icy Ass.
O'Mirycle Mona'e: I sentence the parents to six months in a residentail, lock-down treatment center for apostrophe addiction. And An extra three months for misuse of y's.
Oakley Paige: Roger and Muffy at the Country Club!
Rane Livia: It is now raining liver. Yuck.
Suri: Copycats.
Tremillion: The same as naming her Bazillion.
Tribeca: I Love New York. But Not That Much.
Abrey Vaughn Lyons: Aw aw! Roger and Muffy's youngest son.
Brastyn: Brastyn the Brat.
Cougar: This is really dumb. A cutesy nn for a little "Daddy's Boy" (meaning, a loud, wild, out of control boy) but it sounds stupid on an adult.
Kenya: I think of this as very much a girl's name.
Madden Tanner: He'll get mad n Tanner fanny for her!
Nathangel: And what's wrong with Nathaniel, may I ask.
Riggs Michael: She Riggs Michael so he is unable to win.
Syan Lok: The lake of cyanide.
Syruss: As if Cyrus is not bad enough.