[Opinions] Twin Names
I went to the annual Twins Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio and was surprised at the number of sets of twins that had similar sounding names. Do you think twins should have names that sound a lot alike, have their own personality or have a name theme? My twin and I are named after the sisters (Leah and Rachel) in the Bible. Here are some example of twin names that I just sighed and shook my head at:
Kaylie & Kylie
Shane & Shannon
Misty & Stormy
Rolando & Roland
Branson & Hanson
Ryan & Bryan
Pat & Patty
Marlene & Darlene
Melinda & Belinda
Larry & Gary
Don & Ron
Rashaad & Rasheed
Nicole & Nicholus
Terry & Kerry
Trina & Tina
Arnette & Annette
Lindy & Cindy
Darcy & Marcy
Autumn & Summer
Harold & Harry
Shari & Kari
Delmer & Elmer
Hannah & Anna
AnnDee & DeeAnn
Kaylie & Kylie
Shane & Shannon
Misty & Stormy
Rolando & Roland
Branson & Hanson
Ryan & Bryan
Pat & Patty
Marlene & Darlene
Melinda & Belinda
Larry & Gary
Don & Ron
Rashaad & Rasheed
Nicole & Nicholus
Terry & Kerry
Trina & Tina
Arnette & Annette
Lindy & Cindy
Darcy & Marcy
Autumn & Summer
Harold & Harry
Shari & Kari
Delmer & Elmer
Hannah & Anna
AnnDee & DeeAnn
I personally think it's dumb when I hear twins with rhyming nams like Larry and Gary or Lindy and Cindy. I think twins should have their own unique names because people already refer to them as one person sometimes. My nieces Eve and Olivia who are identical twins get really angry if people just refer to them as "twins" and not by their first names and they are only five. These are some of the twin names I know that I went to school, seen around etc...
Trisha and Debbie
Jamie (G) and Jessica
Ryan and Asha
Robert and Melissa
Melanie and Candy
Ryan and Nolan
Madelyn and Erica
Jeremy and Jessica
Joshua and Samuel
Ciara and Chloe
Matthew and Mark
Madison and Brianne
Trisha and Debbie
Jamie (G) and Jessica
Ryan and Asha
Robert and Melissa
Melanie and Candy
Ryan and Nolan
Madelyn and Erica
Jeremy and Jessica
Joshua and Samuel
Ciara and Chloe
Matthew and Mark
Madison and Brianne
I will have to agree with y'all on these "twinny" names. I like my sister and my names. I don't really mind name themes (for families or twins) as long as they're not too obvious and I absolutely can't stand it when all the kids' names rhyme!
I sometimes wonder how parents think of they're twins' names when they don't seem at all the same, but I also applaud them for not making the names similar. Twins ARE NOT the same! My sister and I alike in some ways, but we are different in so many other ways (she's more athletic and I'm "academic").
At the festival, some twins dress alike EVERY DAY! Having similar sounding names and dressing alike all the time makes twins seem like one person instead of two completely different individuals. I'm glad my sister and I decided to go to different colleges - that way we are seen as a single person instead of half of one.
Thanks for your comments!
I sometimes wonder how parents think of they're twins' names when they don't seem at all the same, but I also applaud them for not making the names similar. Twins ARE NOT the same! My sister and I alike in some ways, but we are different in so many other ways (she's more athletic and I'm "academic").
At the festival, some twins dress alike EVERY DAY! Having similar sounding names and dressing alike all the time makes twins seem like one person instead of two completely different individuals. I'm glad my sister and I decided to go to different colleges - that way we are seen as a single person instead of half of one.
Thanks for your comments!
I am so against theme names and matching names for twins. I think because as a twin I hate it when my parents or anyway combines us. Although both out names come from Hebrew and are in the Bible, I have been assured it was just coincidence.
I don't like any of the combos as way too close or themey. As for Hannah and Anna: why give them the same name? Rolando and Roland: so who's the special twin that got the longer or shorter version?
At least you and your twin name share something (sisters in the Bible) but not everyone knows that, it's not obvious, they are etymologically different names, they don't alliterate or sound basically the same.
Shane and Shannon are close to not being as bad as the rest.

My 45 PPs - names in profile
I don't like any of the combos as way too close or themey. As for Hannah and Anna: why give them the same name? Rolando and Roland: so who's the special twin that got the longer or shorter version?
At least you and your twin name share something (sisters in the Bible) but not everyone knows that, it's not obvious, they are etymologically different names, they don't alliterate or sound basically the same.
Shane and Shannon are close to not being as bad as the rest.

My 45 PPs - names in profile
Ick! I don't like any of them....
I really dislike twinsey cutsey similar sounding names for siblings especially for Twins, Twins have to share so much especially identical twins and names like Delmer and Elmer are horrible together Rolando and Roland are even worse and I wont comment on some of the other combos except to say that there is something about the birth of twins that make normally sane men and woman act like fools
A theme for twins isnt too bad if the names arent similar in sound ie
Rosalind and Liliana for example would be fine sure they have cute flowery nicknames but dont share initials or Rhymne or come from the same name
Leah and Rachel are a lovely twin set,
My sisters are unidentical twins and they hated it when they were little when people refered to them as the twins, they refused to wear identical clothes ( though liked to have similar looking outfits in different colours )
They used to cringe whenever they heard of anyone with twinsey names
My sisters were almost called Dawn Marie and Eve Claire which actually I rather like, but my grandmother persauded my mother to change it to Marie Claire and Nicola Jane,
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold
A theme for twins isnt too bad if the names arent similar in sound ie
Rosalind and Liliana for example would be fine sure they have cute flowery nicknames but dont share initials or Rhymne or come from the same name
Leah and Rachel are a lovely twin set,
My sisters are unidentical twins and they hated it when they were little when people refered to them as the twins, they refused to wear identical clothes ( though liked to have similar looking outfits in different colours )
They used to cringe whenever they heard of anyone with twinsey names
My sisters were almost called Dawn Marie and Eve Claire which actually I rather like, but my grandmother persauded my mother to change it to Marie Claire and Nicola Jane,
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold
Kaylie & Kylie - ugh
Shane & Shannon - not as bad as some of the others, but still variations on the SAME NAME
Misty & Stormy - Ok, I have a cat named Stormy. And I JOKE that I'm going to get another cat, an orange one, and call him Sunshine. So my family now jokes I'll then need to get 2 more and call them Windy and Misty. These are definitely cheesy on real people!
Rolando & Roland - same name
Branson & Hanson - ugh
Ryan & Bryan - same name just add a "B"!
Pat & Patty - SAME NAME
Marlene & Darlene - ugh
Melinda & Belinda - ugh
Larry & Gary - ugh
Don & Ron - ugh
Rashaad & Rasheed - *smacks forehead*
Nicole & Nicholus - Oh, they couldn't even spell the boy's name correctly! I also know of a Michael & Michelle and a Stephanie & Stephen; all are equally bad.
Terry & Kerry - eck
Trina & Tina - oh dear
Arnette & Annette - oh my
Lindy & Cindy - sheesh
Darcy & Marcy - ugh
Autumn & Summer - CHEESE!
Harold & Harry - same NAME!
I hate theme-y names for twins (or siblings), like rhyming names or even names beginning with the same letter. I think it labels the twins as a set, a two-for-one deal, rather than individual people with different personalities.
Leah and Rachel aren't too bad though. It's subtle.

"Somebody has to save our skins!" -Princess Leia Organa, Star Wars:
Leah and Rachel aren't too bad though. It's subtle.

"Somebody has to save our skins!" -Princess Leia Organa, Star Wars:
Themes and whatnot are ok, but not these names... They are really cheesy and well... stupid.
I like Lea and Rahel for twins, it's great! I also like Esther and Mordechai lol
~~ Claire ~~
My ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen, Julian, Glorinda, Mirinda
My ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny, Cordelia, Fiammetta, Yocheved
My ~ are Tehila, Tilda, Hailey, Gillian, Huldah
My / are Aglaia and July
I like Lea and Rahel for twins, it's great! I also like Esther and Mordechai lol
~~ Claire ~~
My ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen, Julian, Glorinda, Mirinda
My ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny, Cordelia, Fiammetta, Yocheved
My ~ are Tehila, Tilda, Hailey, Gillian, Huldah
My / are Aglaia and July
I actually live in Texas, but my sister (and mom) and I travel all the way to Ohio just to go to the festival. Have you ever checked it out?
Just because twins have similar names, doesn't mean they don't have different personalities. I personally LOVE theme names.
Themes such as both same meanings or, nature sounding etc.
My father's a twin his name is Gary his brother is named Gerald NN: Jerry.
Like i like Two Biblical names for twins, but they have different letters in the beginning, i don't think it's cheesy at all, i cant stand when people say they wont have different personalities, that's stupid.
Themes such as both same meanings or, nature sounding etc.
My father's a twin his name is Gary his brother is named Gerald NN: Jerry.
Like i like Two Biblical names for twins, but they have different letters in the beginning, i don't think it's cheesy at all, i cant stand when people say they wont have different personalities, that's stupid.
This message was edited 8/9/2005, 10:49 AM
i think relating names are good...but not sounding names...its too corny imo