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[Games] Re: avalon's Congrats Round 6 of 10 + edits
Username: bopperlynn
LN: Wilkerson
DH: Jonathan AsherNate
DW: Poppy WillowWill
DD: Paisley Adelaide (15)
DS: Henri Michael (12)
DS/DD: Landon AsherAsh” / Shiloh Nouvel (10)
DD: Milena Anabel Tai (7)
AS: Benedek Ákos “Ben” (6)
DCat: MiloETA: Please note that bopperlynn has 2 n's, not one, and that it's Landon Asher rather than Lander Asher. Thanks.

This message was edited 6/5/2007, 11:32 AM

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