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[Games] Re: avalon's Congrats Round 6 of 10
Username: TheArthurs
LN: Sorenson
DH: Thaddeus Isaac-James (38)
DW: Summer Rowan-Rose (33)
DS: Simon Ian James (8)
DS: Fagan Kerr Alexander (7)
DS/DS: Slater Josiah Beckett / Cayden Wyatt Samuel (6)
DD: Daphne Cassie Sloan (3)
AS: Rebekkah Mary-Josephine “Joey” (1)DCat: OscarAvalon: I am sorry but this is the last round I am able to play.. I am leaving to go on the truck with my husband and I am not sure how long I will stay out with him so if you want to you can finish out my family or just post this one on the final family list... thank you for allowing me to play on your congrats game.
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Username: TheArthurs
LN: Sorenson
DH: Thaddeus Isaac-James (38)
DW: Summer Rowan-Rose (33)
DS: Simon Ian James (8)
DS: Fagan Kerr Alexander (7)
DS/DS: Slater Josiah Beckett / Cayden Wyatt Samuel (6)
DD: Daphne Cassie Sloan (3)
AS: Matthew Joseph-Ryan “Joey” (1)DCat: Oscar
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One little had an adopted son, not an adopted daughter. I don't know if your new son would appreciate being called Rebekkah...I'm sad that you have to end the game early. It was great having you. I hope you enjoyed it, and enjoy your time with your husband!
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