[Opinions] Tenille
I started a new job, and one of my new co-workers is named Tenille (kind of like ten-neal). At first, I wasn't sure how to feel about it. The more I say it, the more I like it. However, I don't know about the spelling (and yes, that is how she spells it).
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I know a girl named Taneal who pronounces it the same way. I think it's kind of interesting, but I wouldn't use it.
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Don't care much for it, sounds like brand of material.
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I really like itI have a cousin named Tenille and I think the name has a very unique, "different" sound, which I like. I would use it as a mn.
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Ditto, that was my first thought too. And I was born in the 80s!
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Moi aussid
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Not sure of your age.Have you ever heard of Captain and Tenille? They were a singing group back in the 70's (sang Muskrat Love, Do That to Me One More Time, etc). I don't like Tenille, mainly because of the sounds.
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I went to Elementary School with a Tennille (this spelling) and I was born in the mid 70s so Captain and Tenille were "around" but I didn't hear of them until after I met the one IRL. :b I don't care for the sound of it at all, and the group's name (no offense to them) gets it them tacky 70s vibe as well. lol
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NoI was born in the mid-80s, and have never heard of them. My coworker is probably early 80s or late 70s, so I guess there could be a connection.
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