[Opinions] Elspeth
What are the general opinions of Elspeth? In my opinion it is very pretty, nicer then Elisabeth. A few questions:Do you like it in general? Why?
Does it go with a brother Harvey?
Does it go with the last name Carter?
Do you like the nickname Elsie?
Any other nickname suggestions?
Do you like the middle names Clara, Miriam or Margaret?
Any other middle name suggestions?
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I have a few Elsie's in my family tree and their middle names are as follows.. might be some ideas in there..Elsie Margaret
Elsie Maud
Elsie Beatrice
Elise ElizabethMy grandmother was Elsepth Mary.I used to think of Elspeth as another form of Esther, but that might be just my mind.
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I do like it, although I don't think I like it enough to use it personally. I'm not sure why I like it. I think it's softer sounding than Elizabeth and I tend to like that in names.I think it goes fine with Harvey and the ln Carter.I don't like the nn Elsie though. Other nn suggestions would be Elle, Ellie, Ella, Elsa, Peth, Pethy, Pet, Les, although I don't care much for any of those either.I think Elspeth Miriam is very pretty. You didn't ask, but I think Clara, Miriam and Margaret all sound good as sibs to Harvey and Elspeth as well.
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I love it. It and Elsa are my favorite variants of Elizabeth, a name I used to love but it's so overused I couldn't ever bring myself to use it.
What are the general opinions of Elspeth? In my opinion it is very pretty, nicer then Elisabeth. A few questions:Does it go with a brother Harvey? - Don't see why now.
Does it go with the last name Carter? - Definitely.
Do you like the nickname Elsie? - I do. Actually, my grandmother's given name was Elsie and I've toyed with using Elspeth to honor her, and using Elsie and Elsa as nn's.
Any other nickname suggestions? - Elsa, Ellie, Ella, Pet
Do you like the middle names Clara, Miriam or Margaret? - Clara Elspeth is absolutely gorgeous, and the flow is nicer than Elspeth Clara imo. Elspeth Miriam is sparkling, and Elspeth Margaret is very pretty.
Any other middle name suggestions? - I'm partial to Elspeth Maeve
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-Yes, I like it because it is pretty
-Not really
-Elsie is cute but nms
-The flow for each of those is off
- My favorite combo has always been Elspeth BAiley even though the styles don't match up
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Do you like it in general? Why?
I love it. It has a pretty sound and is uncommon but not weird.Does it go with a brother Harvey?
Don't see why not.Does it go with the last name Carter?
Yep.Do you like the nickname Elsie?
Not really, but it could grow on me if I saw it on a real child.Any other nickname suggestions?
Beth? I don't really think it needs one, if it does I'm sure one will develop naturally.Do you like the middle names Clara, Miriam or Margaret?
I like the names, yes. I would go for Elspeth Miriam Carter.Any other middle name suggestions?
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Do you like it in general? Yes. Why? It is different without being shocking. It is very feminine to my ear also.
Does it go with a brother Harvey? Yes.
Does it go with the last name Carter? Yes.
Do you like the nickname Elsie? Eh, not really.
Any other nickname suggestions? Ellie!
Do you like the middle names Clara, Miriam or Margaret? Miriam.
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Yes, I love it. I love the look and the sound. I think it's very feminine without being too fluffy, and it has and "old world" ring to it. Yes, I think it goes fine with Harvey. I like Harvey, as well. Yes, Carter balances it out nicely. Yes, I love Elsie and have no other nicknames to suggest, especially since I like Elsie so much. I prefer Margaret, though I like all the names. Elspeth Clara seems a bit top heavy. Elspeth Miriam is nice, but I like Elspeth Margaret better. I also like Elspeth Beatrice, Elspeth Clemence, Elspeth Hazel, Elspeth Honoria, Elspeth Evadne, Elspeth Kathleen, Elspeth Lenore, Elspeth Noemi...
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Thanks for your input :-)
I like Elspeth Naomi...
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