[Opinions] Re: Random BA's [6/20/07]
in reply to a message by Sabrina Fair
Amarilys Monin: I can well imagine why she might be moanin'.
Bracelynn Love: So now the -lyn ending is being stuck onto random nouns as well as random names and parts of names. What's next: Bitlynn?
Coco Arabella: I would have a very hard time taking a Coco seriously. Even Coco Chanel's real name was Gabrielle. I think of signing gorillas and chocolate.
Diamond Shanell: "I want to sound like I'm rich even though I've declared bankrupcy twice in the last six years."
Haddlea: They thought cutesying it up with the Lea and the two d's would make it more feminine. They should spend less time thinking.
Jerzey: Come on. Don't they know everybody makes fun of New Jersey, even its residents?
Liberty Croshetta: IT's this real good appetizer at the Olive Garden.
Liberty Lynn: Say it fast and you're a froggie!
Messiah Lashay: No, I don't believe the Messiah will be called Lashay.
MikHaillyne: the hell? What's this supposed to be?
Onyx Rae: Goth.
Poet Rose: *rolls eyes*
Rayne Marlene: It's raining Marlene ever since the dynamite factory blew up.
Rivers Elizabeth: Say this fast and let me know what animal you sound like.
ShyLynn: And her sister Loneranne?
Sky Chyann: I guarantee they're going to call her Sky Chy, and think it's cute.
Willow-Star Leilani: Leilani and Willow are both so pretty, why tart it up this way?
Winter Ivy: And sister Spring Onion.
Dorian Star: Dorian is all right, but that Star needs to go.
Fishcer Layne: "I live at 107 Fisher Lane."
Hollander Bennett: Hollander always makes me think of Xaviera Hollander, the Happy Hooker, who was famous for about 20 minutes back int eh seventies for being a high-dollar madam.
Lestat Sam: Talk about a mismatch! Gothy vampire name meets totally ordinary nn.
Leviticus: Is this family trying to rewrite the Bible?
Lynk: old-style video game character. I hope he gets kidnapped so we can make jokes about the Missing Lynk.
M'kyrain: Maybe he can be friends with MikHaillyne.
Pace Nicholas: To make sure he doesn't go too fast and wear himself out.
Race Lee: He's so slow you're sure to win.
Romeo Sincere: I saw this! PRMC, right? Sounds like a womanizer who is a very smooth talker.
Sir-Lou Henry: I can't picture a Lou Henry being made a knight, can you?
Stone Richard: Called Stone Dick by the other boys in high school, and will take that as his porn-star name. Either that or people will throw stones at him.
Vision: *rolls eyes again* Please.