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[Facts] Feminine Form of Nektarios
Hullo!I was just thinking, is there a feminine form of Nektarios.I am very ignorant on the Greek language, but I am wondering if Nektarine could possibly be a feminine form.Just wondering,
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'[Aghios Nektarios] lived the last part of his life [in Aegina] and died on 9th November 1920.On this day everybody called Nektarios or Nektaria celebrate their name day and these names are extremely popular, especially here on Aegina.' - A site advertising apartments in Greece.So I'd guess that it's Nektaria.
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Yep, Nektaria it is......though it is a quite unusual name in Greece, unless one is from the island of Aegina or from a very religious Greek Orthodox family.
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Nectarine is a peach-like fruite. Nektaria perhaps. Both are nms.
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