[Opinions] Aida
Aida has been running through my head the last few days. (The name, not the opera.) How would you pronounce it? I would say, "ah-EE-da" but I suppose some might say, "AY-da." What do you think of it? What mns would you suggest? Or perhaps it could work as a mn, any suggestions?
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I actually *met* an Aida a couple years ago!I was so excited! I was introduced to this elderly lady, as "This is my mother, Aida." I beamed, "Aida? Like the opera?" This lady was so pleased that not only did I prn her name correctly, but that I was even aware of the opera! She told me that years ago, she had been a professional opera singer, so we sat and chatted about our favorite operas. :oDI do happen to like the name Adah (that spelling), too, so I don't think I would be horribly irritated if people misprn my (hypothetical) DD Aida's name as Adah. And usually, if you correct people once, twice, or three times, they eventually get it right. ;o)
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I really love how it looks. The sound is pretty as well--I prefer ah-EE-dah. My second inclination would be EYE-dah , not AY-dah, but I might be just strange that way.Hmmm, MNs are hard.Aida Camille
Aida Charlotte
Aida Claire
Aida Catherine
Aida Bridget
Aida Caroline
Aida Coralie
Aida Evangeline
Aida Francesca (maybe a bit much)
Aida Hope
Aida Jasmine
Aida Laurel
Aida Laurentine
Aida Liliana
Aida Lily
Aida Lake (maybe not...I can't decide if I love it or hate it)
Aida Madeleine
Aida Madeline
Aida Magdalen
Aida Magdalene
Aida Miriam
Aida Margaret
Aida Miranda
Aida Naomi
Aida Noelle
Aida Natalia

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This message was edited 7/5/2007, 9:34 PM

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I like it (as ay-EE-da only!)- it's short, strong and uncommon with out being forced. Nice one!You've got Verdi's march stuck in my head now, though :)
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answering myself to addthat I like Aida Claire. Or you could go all operatic with something like Manon Aida or Aida Carmen.
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I like it. I would pronounce it Ay-da.
I think Aida Pearl would be cute.
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I'd say AID-ah. It's cute, but the 'aid' put's me off. I could see 'band-aid-a'
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Oh well. Thanks for the input. :-)
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My best friend's last name is pronounced like ah-EE-da - spelled a little differently from Aida, but pronounced exactly the same. I think it's lovely. She gets a kick out of her last name, she says she's gonna open up a bakery called "'Aida' Muffin, You Should Too." =PSome middle name suggestions:
Aida Judith
Aida Lucia (LOO-sha)
Aida Evelyn
Aida Georgia
Aida Claudia
Aida Corinne
Aida Penelope
Aida Virginia
Aida Dorit
Aida Dorothy - I really like this
Aida Harriet - this too!
Aida Sylvia / Sylvia
Aida Iris
Aida Isis
Aida June / Junia
Aida Caroline / Carol / Carole
Aida Helen / HelenaAny you like?
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Aida Helen and Aida Penelope transport me to a world of ancient mythology. Aida already puts me there, so Helen and Penelope complete the feeling nicely.Aida Sylvia is stunning. Sylvia is so romantic to me, thanks to that scene in "Shakespeare in Love," where Gwenyth P. recites, "What light be light if Sylvia be not seen? What joy is joy if Sylvia b not by?" (I hope I got that right -- I'm beginning to doubt it though. Anyone, please correct me if I've misquoted it.)Thanks muchly!
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I LOVE Aida. It's been on my short list for a while now. I pronounce it the way you do. My favorite combos are Aida Mathilde and Aida Mireille.
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Oooooh....*eyes widen* Aida Mireille... *examines combo carefully* That's incredible! I'm stunned...and I'm stealing it! :o) Just for my list, though, as DH would *never* agree to it.
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Oh, Aida Mathilde is gorgeous! Aida Mireille is great too, but with Aida Mathilde, I get the flavor of medieval France in there too. Aida reminds me of Ada which reminds me of Adelaide. (Circular logic is no bar for me.) Thanks!
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i like the prn AY-da. i like it very much i think it would be great as a mn for short names like susan or marie
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Yes, I love "AY-da" too -- except I would spell that Ada. I suggested Ada as a mn once on a board. But then someone pointed out that it makes the name sound like the beginning of a sentence, "Margaret ate a _____." I had to laugh and agree. Now I can't see Ada as a mn at all. :-( But thanks all the same. :-)
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I did think of the opera, but that's a fairly good association. I think it's pretty, though nms, and nn Edie would be cute. I do think a lot of people would mispronounce it AY-da, though. mns...
Aida Vivian
Aida Noelle
Aida Lillian
Aida Lisbeth
Aida Gillian / Jillian
Aida Willow
Aida Sinead
Aida Margaret
Aida Juliet
Aida Kate
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Edie!Edie is an adobale nn for Aida! I'm going to steal it. :-)Aida Vivian is lovely, as is Aida Lillian. Aida Sinead is gorgeous, but I worry about another difficult-to-pronounce name next to Aida. It's the same reason I can't take you up on Aida Noelle; I only like the Noe"l spelling and that is swimming against the stream where I live. Thanks for the great list.
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I pronounced it I-E-duh (as in the letters I and E) until I met two Aida's that pronounced their name as A-duh (as in the letter A).
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See, this is why I posted the thread. I really like the "I-E-duh" pronunciation too. To me "A-duh" would be spelled Ada. May I ask where you and/or these two Aidas / "A-duhs" are from?
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I believe that they are both Filipinas, but I can't be certain. If they are not from there they are from somewhere surrounding that area.
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I say ah-EE-da, like the opera.It's a pretty name, but the story is so tragic. Very Juliet, really. I guess in that vein, I would still use Aida, then.I'm having a hard time with combos for it. I like it with a two syllable MN, apparently.
Aida Cecile
Aida Rhea
Aida Elise
Aida Louise

This message was edited 7/5/2007, 11:00 AM

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Thanks.Yes, a mn is problematic, isn't it? To me it needs something lightly exotic to match the style, but not so different that people look puzzled at the sight of the combination. Aida Cecile comes pretty close. Cecile is not normally a name I gravitate to, but here it works nicely. What would you say to Aida Celeste?

This message was edited 7/5/2007, 11:06 AM

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Uh oh...Sorry to post twice, but this was a comment under "Celeste" here on BtN.The Italian word that gives the meaning of this name is used in an Aria in the opera "Aida" by Giuseppe Vedri. The aria is "Celeste Aida" meaning "heavenly Aida." I like the name because I like the aria, and because my father and grandfather also liked this aria.
-- Anonymous User 2/4/2007
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PoohThat would be rather cheesey, wouldn't it? I doubt many people would know the aria, but still. Once I know I can't get it out of my head. Thanks. Thanks heaps. Have a nice day. [;-)]
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Sorry to pop the bubble slash butt in to the conversation. I agree about people not knowing about it, but it would always be in the back of my mind as well.You're welcome heaps and have a wonderful day as well.
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Exactly! That lightly exotic thing is what gets me. I like Celeste with it because it has the same flow as Cecile. Objectively, I much prefer Cecile as a name, but I think that with Aida, Celeste works really nicely.
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It's my opinion that Celeste sound good as a middle name to any first name ;) Seriously! Whenever I get stuck with a combo, I stick Celeste in the middle name spot. I love it :)
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"Aida, Aida, AIIIIIDDDAAAA..." is all I hear in my head. Probably because I was in this musical a few months ago, ha. That being said, it is not my style. But if I were to use it, I'd use it as a middle name with a more "classic" name.Charlotte Aida
Margaret Aida
Georgia Aida
Mary Aida
Emily Aida
Elizabeth Aida
Helen Aida
Frances Aida
Eleanor Aida
Patricia Aida
Rose Aida
Marian AidaAnything there strike your fancy?
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Thanks!Elizabeth Aida is very regal. Rose Aida is very romantic. They are all nice, but these two stand out to me. So . . . is there another musical, other than the opera Aida with this name?
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Elizabeth Aida was my favorite :)http://www.stlyrics.com/a/aida.htm is the soundtrack lyric page, and here is the story http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aida_(musical)
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I might have known -- Disney!OK, so now that every child in the U.S. is brainwashed into thinking the Disney version is the only version, how does the Disney version pronounce Aida? "ah-EE-da" or "AY-da?"That's not too bitter, now, is it? :-) (If Disney pronounces it the same way I do, then I think they're the great bunch of entertainment folks out there.) :-D
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Haha I was in it and I didn't even realize it was Disney! My high school, where I put on the production, was brainwashed into thinking "Elton John! Elton John!"I-E-duh.
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