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[Facts] Greek name days
in reply to a message by Patty
As far as I can tell, there isn't a Greek name day for Daphne. (The name does have a French name day in October.) However, there is a Greek name day in March for Laurentiou which has the same meaning as Daphne. (Frankly, I find it a little strange because Laurentiou is a Latin-based name.)Is is possible that your daughter could have a baptismal name with a similiar meaning while retaining her original/legal name? I did find a website that has an email address you can write to about saint names.
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I am getting confirmed in the greek orthodox church on sunday (in 3 days) and am in need of a saint name, either close to my first name which is brock or my middle name allan. If you could possibly help at such short notice this would be greatly appreciated.thankyoubrock
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Is there a name day for Mia??thanksGeorgi
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