[Opinions] Willow
What do you think of:Willow Anne
Willow Beth
Willow SaraiSarah Willow
Celia Willow
Cecilia WillowNON-WILLOW COMBOS:Cecily Anne
Cecilia Blue
Cecily Jay
Cecily Jane
Cecilia Rose
Olivia Beth
Olivia Jay
Olivia Jane
Olivia RoseOther suggestions?

This message was edited 8/2/2007, 4:48 PM

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My favorite is Sarah Willow. I don't think WIllow makes a great first name.I also love Olivia Jane and Olivia Rose. What about Olivia Willow?
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I thought about that, but it seemed almost like too much. I like a one-syllable middle name with Olivia.
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Willow Anne, Willow Beth and Sarah Willow are nice.I also like Olivia Jane and Olivia Rose.
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Cecilia Willow is my favorite for the Willow names.Olivia Jane is my favorite out of the Olivia combos.Cecily Anne is my favorite out of the Cecily names.
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Celia Willow, followed by Willow Beth.I much prefer Cicely to Cecily because of the meaning, but I like the sound of Cecily Jane
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