[Opinions] WDYTO Greer?
WDYTO Greer for a girl? I used to really love this name a while back. Potentials would be Greer Virginia or Greer Louisa.
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Sounds masculine and rather ugly to me. Sorry.a
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I like Greer as a gp. Greer Louisa is nice.
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I actually love it and think it's gorgeous for a girl, even though most people won't agree :-) It reminds me of Greer Garson and holds a certain sophistication imho. I think Greer Louisa is nice.
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I really, really don't like the sound
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I like it, but not enough to consider using it
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Thank you all for your suggestions and opinions!I really don't think this will be an option for us.Annabelle Virginia is #1 right now! Woohoo!
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I think it looks masculine, and just sounds terrible on either sex -- it's the "ee," I'm sure.
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I think it has a terribly ugly sound to it, to be honest - somewhere between growl and sneer.
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I enjoy it, although I prefer the spelling Grier. Of your options, I prefer Greer Louisa.Suggestions are:Greer Heloise
Greer Clementine
Greer Cynthia
Green Mirabelle
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It sounds masculine to me...always has
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Ditto. I find it very harsh and extremely unfeminine.
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Agree wholeheartedly.Yeck :(
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I'm conflicted. Greer Garson was such a beautiful, elegant woman / actress. It's hard not to like anything connected to "Mrs. Miniver." Associations play a big part in whether or not I like a name and this is such a good association.But then again, I'm crusading against using boy names on girls here at BtN. And the sound of Greer is not very attractive to my ears anyway. Also, I'm showing my age, but 1970's professional (U.S.) football player Rosie Greer comes to mind too. A sweetheart of a man, but definitely not feminine.So on balance, I'd have to say "no" to Greer on a girl.

This message was edited 8/5/2007, 3:20 PM

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It's alright, but not a favorite, and not a name I'd use personally.
I think it looks and sounds a little too harsh for a girl.
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I think it could be a cute way to honor a Gregory family member, but the sound does nothing for me otherwise. I was rabidl;y anti-Greer when Brooke Shields used it on her offspring a while back (I think it was Brooke? I don't know, someone famous in that way), but now I am no more for or against it. It's nothing I'd consider, but I don't mind it, even if it does feel trendy.
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This name intrigued me before Brooke Shields chose it for her daughter. That took the name off the market for me for a while but it came to my mind today.I believe that BS used the spelling "Grier."
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BS, lol. Yes, her daughter is Grier Hammond (and her other is Rowan Francis...you think she wanted boys, maybe?).
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Hmmm, looking at this on the screen I am not sure I like how "Greer" looks.
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