[Opinions] Odie
Yeah, as in the dog from the Garfield comic strip... Anyway, it's the name of my neighbor's daughter. WDYT? Her sibs are Nicole and Kelly.
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Well, I could see it as a nn for Odette, Odelia or Odessa. Actually, Ottilie / Ottoline could work as well.
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Wow. Not only will people think of the dog:A) They will think she is a boy upon hearing the name (I mean, I hate boys names on girls but this is really bad becasue it's not even Ashley or Madison where a majority of the people with the name are female).
B) Odie= OD= Over dose
C) I know people who pronounce it different ways. OH-dee, oh-DEE, AH-dee, OH-die, etc.
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Wow, that's pretty unattractive, imo. My dh is James Odell, Jr. He goes by James (thankfully!) while his father goes by Odell (Ody to his wife). I'm not sure I would have gone out with an Odell. ;-) For a girl, it's particularly unfortunate. Perhaps her full name is Odette or Odessa.
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Hmm... maybe I'd like it if it were short for Odette or something.
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Wow...It totally doesn't fit in with Nicole and Kelly. The poor girl! Especially being named after a MALE dog!
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Poor kid!
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I new a girl named Outi pronounced the same way. She was from Finland. I think she lives in England now.
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