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[Games] Re: Judged French/Italian/Greek CAF
LN: AveroffDH: Skyros Tullio Brice
DW: Zoe Letizia Louise
The boys:DS: Massimo Gustave Benedict
DS: Joscelin Patrizio Nicodemus
DS: Sergio Aubin Eustachius
DS: Kosmas Anselme Luciano
DS: Léopold Quintilliano Lysander
DS/DS: Demetri Abelard Desiderio & Sebastian Cesare Thibault
DS: Cajatano Zenon Esmond
The girls:DD: Helena Olive Prudenza
DD: Romola Eloise Athena
DD/DD/DD: Claudia Ione Émeline, Violetta Calista Amélie & Toula Miranda Clothilde
DD: Adélaïde Sibyl Bianca
DD: Ambrosia Maude Rosanna
DD: Stella Sofronia Gisèle
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