[Opinions] Colin?
WDYT? Do you like this spelling better or worse compared to Cailean?Any combos?
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I like Colin. It's simple and kind of plain, but in a nice, sweet kind of way. I prefer it over Cailean, though that spelling isn't too bad.As for combos, wdyto:Colin Everett
Colin Forest
Colin James
Colin Thomas
Colin Sky
Colin Milo
Colin Tobias
Colin Noah
Colin Phineas
Colin Quinn
Colin Seth
Colin Charles
Colin Amadeus
Colin George
Colin Iah
Colin Ashley
Colin Gabriel
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Colin is much better. It used to be a favorite of mine. I still think it's very nice.Colin Alexander / Alexander Colin
Andrew Colin
Asher Colin
Colin Avery
Colin Bennett
Colin James
Matthew Colin
Noah Colin
Colin Phoenix
Colin Reid
Colin Robert
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Not a fan. But it's better than Cailean.
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It's my dad's name, so I have a good association. I love it, and plan to use it as a mn for a son to honour him. I'd use it as a first name because I reall like it, but I'd rather the kid has his own name.I like it better than Cailean. I think that'd just unecessarily complicate things.Combo's:
Colin Ignatius
Colin Leonidas
Colin Veritas
Colin Diarmuid
Colin Isaiah
Colin Malachi
Colin Tobias
Colin Levi
Colin Theodore
Colin Moses
Colin August
Colin Francis
Colin Antony

This message was edited 8/20/2007, 10:01 PM

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I love this spelling and this spelling only.
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I wouldn't say that Colin is one of my favorites, but it's okay. Cailean is unreconizeable, Colin is better. Colin David
Colin Lucas
Colin Parker
Colin Porter
Colin Walker
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