[Facts] How do you pronounce Michaela in English? Thank you! (nt)
I know a Michaela, and she pronounces it Mikh-ALE-uh
I know a Michaela, and she pronounces it Mikh-ALE-uh
mih-KAY-lah -- though it tends to sound more like mih-KAIL-ah; the 'L' lilts from the second to the third syllable.
Oddly, I'm in the US and only know women who aren't American w/this name. Where are you from?
Oddly, I'm in the US and only know women who aren't American w/this name. Where are you from?
Did I get that right that it begins with My- and not Mee- ?
(I'm from Germany, and here you occasionally find that name on women around 30, but not very often. I once met an English girl with that name. Unfortunately, I forgot how it was pronounced, that's why I asked.)
(I'm from Germany, and here you occasionally find that name on women around 30, but not very often. I once met an English girl with that name. Unfortunately, I forgot how it was pronounced, that's why I asked.)
Its more of a MAY sound, I think. Anyone else?
mi-KAY-lah or mah-KAY-lah ...
I've heard it as more a MEE cut off...
as in start saying MEE but then get cut off so it's a short 'i' sound and don't get to do the whole 'ee' sound.
I hope that makes sense. I suppose you could say it's like the Mi is Mickey. At least it coresponds in Australian English.

My 45 PPs - names in profile
as in start saying MEE but then get cut off so it's a short 'i' sound and don't get to do the whole 'ee' sound.
I hope that makes sense. I suppose you could say it's like the Mi is Mickey. At least it coresponds in Australian English.

My 45 PPs - names in profile
Really? It's quite baby popular here in Canada.