[Opinions] Tesni
Cambria introduced me to the name, and I'm really like it. I especially love the meaning (warmth from the sun) However, I wanted opinions on it. Do you guys find it trendy and/or too weird?My dad actually likes it, which means that it's semi-respectable. (Normally when I come up with names like these my mom refers to them as "home-grown" names and my dad is less politically correct and refers to it as a Southwest DC name (ie lower class African-American name).Would it be better as a middle name?
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Love it!
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Glad to have helped!I love it as a fn, personally, but if you'd like it as a mn, Liora Tesni sounds great to my ears. :o)I think your dad may like it b/c it's so close in sound to the utterly proper Tess and Tessi. ;o) That 'n' in there just totally makes the name for me, though. :oD Plus, it is "respectable" enough that I could see it on a professional. Dr. Tesni Falk, Senator Tesni Falk, President Tesni Falk...yup, works just fine. ;o)Man, if I keep going, I'll have myself talked into it as a MN for le bebe!
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Ooooooh!I LOVE Liora Tesni! LOL - she would be Dr. Tesni Kennedy, though. :-D (If ~Xander and I work out, and I have a feeling we will.)
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Yeah, but you're giving them -Falk as a 2nd MN, no? So, I figured I'd use that, since that much, at least, was a given. :o) Plus, I couldn't remember Xander's LN. :o/ Tesni Kennedy is nice, though.
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I was just about to post a thread on Tesni!hehe I love love LOVE it! I was also introduced to it by Cambria's post. I have been looking for a full name for Tessa for awhile and Tesni is spunky, will age well IMO, and I love the meaning. So I think it is great as fn, it is too special to be confined to the mn position.
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Hmmm. I actually really, really like it. I do think it would be much more workable as a middle name, though. Most people would think it was made-up or tryndeigh.
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I like the sound of Tesni and I don't find it weird or trendy since I've never heard anything like it. Like you, meanings are important to me and Tesni has a nice one.I don't associate it with any ethnic group either.As far as using Tesni as a mn, I don't know. Tesni is different and that's a good thing. There may be those who view it as another kr8ive wonder because they have never heard it before. I know I hadn't until the other day. I guess it depends on how much its worth is to you. If I remember correctly, you like Liora, Veronica and Miriam, right? Tesni would work with any of those, imo. Then again, you've loved those names for a long time and that's not likely to change so Tesni would probably make a better mn for you.
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At first I thought that this name was "just another weird one", but i actually do think this sounds good! It is different for sure, you can bet there won't be too many other Tesni's in her class, but it is also very beautiful. It's even more beautiful when you hear what it means.
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Trendy? No. Weird? Nope. :)I don't think it matters if it's a first or middle name, since I don't think it's that strange. Veronica Tesni / Tesni Veronica came to mind, if you're interested.
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