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This message is for Lee about his question about the name Noriko. I looked it up online and found that it is a Japanese females name and it means Doctrine. I hope this helps!
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Well, yes, about half of the "baby names" websites give the meaning of Noriko as "doctrine child", and about the other half seems to loose the "child" somewhere in the act of copying from the others and wants to sell us "doctrine" as the sole meaning. Really funny.The most frequent writing of Noriko in kanji that I could find is:
法子The second kanji is indeed the kanji for child, the "ko" present in so many Japanese female names. The meaning of the first kanji can be seen here: "doctrine" seems not totally off the mark, but certainly not the "core meaning" of this kanji which seems to be "law, rule". As a confirmation, this is also the meaning that BtN gives for the Japanese name Nori, without the "ko", a male name.
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Sources, please . . .We ask new posters to post their sources for name meanings, as there are many very unreliable websites out there, and we want to make sure that people who come to BtN are getting the best possible information.Thanks :-)
ChrisellAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
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