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[Opinions] Re: Ancient Greek and Roman Names
in reply to a message by Katie
Achilles - I wouldn't use it; too many 'heel' jokes would be made.
Ajax - Kinda' neat, but really odd and I'm not fond of the sound.
Amadeus - I like this one a lot; it's strange, but not too much so. It would be hard to spell, but the sound is nice and I don't think of any bad connotations immediately or anything.
Callistus - Same as Amadeus.
Chrysanthos - I like it, but it sounds very much like a flower.
Chryses - Not sure how you pronounce it, but it's okay.
Kallikrates - I don't like the look, though the sound is nice enough.
Kallisto - I woulc just spell it 'Callisto', though it's more of a girls' name.
Neptune - I can't see it as an actual name.
Pegasus - Same as above, though I also associate it with the character Pegasus on the show Yuugiou, as well as Pegasus from Sailor Moon.
Pluto - More Sailor Moon, and that dog from looney tunes (or something like that.)
Rameses - Neat name; but too many Pharaoh connotations.
Xenocrates - I sort of like this one, though I think of a form of government.
Xylia - Pretty; strange but not horribly so. I like it.
Zala - Pretty sound, easy to spell, and exotic.
Orville - Nice classic-style name.
Lilac - Pretty and simple, and classic.
Benjamin - Another nice classic name with good nicknames.
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